我试图用sigmoid函数实现神经网络 但是以下代码不起作用 这是神经网络的训练部分。 它不会正确更新权重 这段代码有什么问题?
clc; clear all; close all;
% load train_data1
train_data1 = sortrows(train_data1);
% normalize data to [0,1]
train_data2 = (train_data1 - min1) / ( max1 - min1);
x = train_data2(:,1); % train input data
r = train_data2(:,2); % train output data
hidden_neurons = 2;
maxepochcount = 1000;
datacount1 = size(x,1);
% add a bias as an input
bias = ones(datacount1,1);
% x = [x bias];
% read how many inputs
inputcount = size(x,2);
% ---------- data loaded -----------
% ---------- set weights -----------
% set initial random weights
WI = (randn(inputcount,hidden_neurons) - 0.5)/10;
WO = (randn(1,hidden_neurons) - 0.5)/10;
%--- Learning Starts Here! ---------
eta1 = 0.5;
eta2 = eta1/5;
% do a number of epochs
for iter = 1:maxepochcount
% loop through the data
for j = 1:datacount1
% read the current sample
I = x(j,:);
D = r(j,1);
% calculate the error for this sample
H = (sigmoid(I * WI))';
O = H' * WO';
error = D-O;
% adjust weight between hidden & output
delta_i = O.*(1-O).*(D-O); % D actual, O calculated output
% Calculate error for each node in layer_(n-1)
delta_j = H.*(1-H).*(WO.'*delta_i); % H.' is the output of hidden layer
% Adjust weights in matrices sequentially
WO = WO + eta2.*delta_i*(H.') % H.' is the output of hidden layer
WI = WI + eta1.*(delta_j*(I))' % I.' is the inputs
% % adjust weight between hidden & output
% delta_HO = error.*eta2 .* hidden_val;
% WO = WO - delta_HO';
% % adjust the weights between input & hidden
% delta_IH = eta1 .* error .* WO' .* (1 - (H .^ 2)) * I;
% WI = WI - delta_IH';
O = sigmoid(WO*sigmoid(x * WI)');
% error(iter) = (sum(error .^ 2)) ^ 0.5;
if rem(iter,100)==0 % Every 100 epochs, show how training is doing
plot(x,O, 'color','red','linewidth',2); hold on;
% return
答案 0 :(得分:0)
只需要将输出值缩放到激活功能。 如果我们使用tanh,我们必须将它们缩放到[-1,1],如果是sigmoid [0,1]。 代码工作正常,但有时它需要更多的时代。