
时间:2017-03-05 15:56:39

标签: php algorithm dynamic-programming memoization knapsack-problem




  1. 什么是将此信息从数据库中取出的最佳方法,以便金额与其交易ID相关联

  2. 最重要的是,我需要在数据库中找到一组匹配的数字,它们等于 29 的总和。

  3. 以下是我的数据库Transaction_tlb

        Transaction_ID |     Name         |       Date      | Amount
        11012          | Jonathan May     |   6/12/2016     |     84
        21012          | John Pedesta     |   6/12/2016     |     38
        31012          | Mary Johnson     |   1/01/2017     |     12
        41012          | John Johnson     |   8/01/2017     |     13
        51012          | Keith Jayron     |   8/01/2017     |     17
        61012          | Brenda Goldson   |   8/01/2017     |     2
        71012          | Joshua Traveen   |   8/01/2017     |     78
        81012          | Remy ma Goldstein|   8/01/2017     |     1
        91012          | Barbie Traveen   |   8/01/2017     |     1

    现在,我有一个想法..但它效率不高。我将尝试每一种可能的情况。意思是如果我有n个要检查的值,时间复杂度将约为2 ^ n。这是非常低效的(另外,我甚至不知道我的代码是否有意义。(见下文




      if (!mysql_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password") || !mysql_select_db("mydb")) {
          die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); } //End DB Connect
      $capacity = 29; //Knapsack Capacity or Sum
      //Select Transact ID and Value from the Database where Amount is <= Capacity
      $fetchQuery = "SELECT 'Transaction_ID', 'Amount' FROM 'Transaction_tlb' WHERE 'Amount' <= $capacity"; 
      $components = array(); //new array to hold components
      if ($queryResults = mysql_query($fetchQuery)) {
         //check if data was pulled
         if (mysql_num_row($queryResults) != NULL) {
            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($queryResults) {
               $components[$row['Transaction_ID']] = $row['Amount'];
      /* Correct me if i am wrong, but, Components associative array Should be something like
      $components = array('11012'=> 84, '21012'=> 38, '31012'=> 12, '41012'=> 13, '51012'=> 17, 
                          '61012'=> 2, '71012'=> 78, '81012'=> 1, '91012'=> 1);
      $components = asort($components) // sort array in ascending order
      $componentCount = count($component)
      function match ($componentCount, $capacity) {
                  $temp = match (($componentCount - 1), $capacity);
                  $temp1 = $component[$componentCount] + match (($componentCount - 1), ($capacity - $component[$componentCount]));
                  $result = max($temp, $temp1);
             return $result;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您可以根据0/1 Knapsack problem制定问题。 PHP中的即用型实现是available


$components = array(84, 38, 12, 13, 17, 2, 78, 1, 1);

$m = array();
list($m4, $pickedItems) = knapSolveFast2($components, $components, sizeof($components)-1, 29, $m);

echo "sum: $m4\n";
echo "selected components:\n";
foreach($pickedItems as $idx){
    echo "\t$idx --> $components[$idx]\n";


sum: 29
selected components:
    2 --> 12
    4 --> 17 


  • 您可以修改SQL查询,以便跳过amount大于所需总和的行(29)
  • 上面的函数将选择一个解决方案(假设它存在),它不会提供所有这些
  • 应该检查返回值$m4是否确实等于指定的总和(29) - 因为算法有效,指定的数量只是不能保证达到的上限(例如37而不是29,返回值只有34,因为没有输入数字的组合,其总和将产生37)

答案 1 :(得分:1)



假设输入数组为[84, 38, 12, 13, 17, 2, 78, 1, 1]且目标为29,我们就像这样循环数字:

* 84 - too big, move on
* 38 - too big, move on
* 12 - gives us a subtarget of 29-12 = 17
              17 (paths: 12)
* 13 - gives us a subtarget of 29-13=16
              16 (paths: 13)
              17 (paths: 12)
* 17 - is a subtarget, fulfilling the '12' path;
   and gives us a subtarget of 29-17=12
              12 (paths: 17)
              16 (paths: 13)
              17 (paths: 12)



// Note: only positive non-zero integer values are supported
// Also, we may return duplicate addend sets where the only difference is the order
function findAddends($components, $target)
    // A structure to hold our partial result paths
    // The integer key is the sub-target and the value is an array of string representations
    // of the 'paths' to get to that sub-target. E.g. for target=29
    // subTargets = {
    //   26: { '=3':true },
    //   15: { '=12+2':true, '=13+1':true }
    // }
    // We are (mis)using associative arrays as HashSets
    $subTargets = array();

    // And our found solutions, stored as string keys to avoid duplicates (again using associative array as a HashSet)
    $solutions = array();

    // One loop to Rule Them All
    echo 'Looping over the array of values...' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($components as $num) {
        echo 'Processing number ' . $num . '...' . PHP_EOL;

        if ($num > $target) {
            echo $num . ' is too large, so we skip it' . PHP_EOL;

        if ($num == $target) {
            echo $num . ' is an exact match. Adding to solutions..' . PHP_EOL;
            $solutions['='.$num] = true;

        // For every subtarget that is larger than $num we get a new 'sub-subtarget' as well
        foreach ($subTargets as $subTarget => $paths) {
            if ($num > $subTarget) { continue; }

            if ($num == $subTarget) {
                echo 'Solution(s) found for ' . $num . ' with previous sub-target. Adding to solutions..' . PHP_EOL;
                foreach ($paths as $path => $bool) {
                    $solutions[$path . '+' . $num] = true;

            // Our new 'sub-sub-target' is:
            $subRemainder = $subTarget-$num;
            // Add the new sub-sub-target including the 'path' of addends to get there
            if ( ! isset($subTargets[$subRemainder])) { $subTargets[$subRemainder] = array(); }

            // For each path to the original sub-target, we add the $num which creates a new path to the subRemainder
            foreach ($paths as $path => $bool) {
                $subTargets[$subRemainder][$path.'+'.$num] = true;

        // Subtracting the number from our original target gives us a new sub-target
        $remainder = $target - $num;

        // Add the new sub-target including the 'path' of addends to get there
        if ( ! isset($subTargets[$remainder])) { $subTargets[$remainder] = array(); }
        $subTargets[$remainder]['='.$num] = true;
    return $solutions;


$componentArr = array(84, 38, 12, 13, 17, 2, 78, 1, 1);
$addends = findAddends($componentArr, 29);

echo 'Result:'.PHP_EOL;
foreach ($addends as $addendSet => $bool) {
    echo $addendSet . PHP_EOL;


Looping over the array of values...
Processing number 84...
84 is too large, so we skip it
Processing number 38...
38 is too large, so we skip it
Processing number 12...
Processing number 13...
Processing number 17...
Solution(s) found for 17 with previous sub-target. Adding to solutions..
Processing number 2...
Processing number 78...
78 is too large, so we skip it
Processing number 1...
Processing number 1...
Solution(s) found for 1 with previous sub-target. Adding to solutions..
