
时间:2017-03-04 18:38:26

标签: haskell


{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs #-}
module Foo where

import Data.Proxy

data Out = ToInt | ToBool

type family F (a :: Out) where
    F ToInt = Int
    F ToBool = Bool

foo :: forall k. Proxy (k :: Out) -> Int -> F k
foo p = case p of
    (Proxy :: Proxy 'ToInt) -> id
    (Proxy :: Proxy 'ToBool) -> (== 0)


[1 of 1] Compiling Foo              ( Foo.hs, Foo.o )

Foo.hs:15:6: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘k’ with ‘'ToBool’
      ‘k’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          foo :: forall (k :: Out). Proxy k -> Int -> F k
        at Foo.hs:12:15
      Expected type: Proxy 'ToBool
        Actual type: Proxy k
    • When checking that the pattern signature: Proxy 'ToBool
        fits the type of its context: Proxy k
      In the pattern: Proxy :: Proxy ToBool
      In a case alternative: (Proxy :: Proxy ToBool) -> (== 0)
    • Relevant bindings include
        p :: Proxy k (bound at Foo.hs:13:5)
        foo :: Proxy k -> Int -> F k (bound at Foo.hs:13:1)

我认为这基本上说GHC在第二个分支上找出k ~ 'ToBool有困难。 (实际上,第一个分支对于非常相似的错误消息不起作用)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


data Out a where
  ToInt :: Out Int
  ToBool :: Out Bool

foo :: forall k. Out k -> Int -> k
foo p = case p of
    ToInt -> id
    ToBool -> (== 0)


data OutS a where
  ToIntS :: OutS 'ToInt
  ToBoolS :: OutS 'ToBool

foo :: forall k. OutS k -> Int -> F k
foo p = case p of
   ToIntS -> id
   ToBoolS -> (== 0)



class SConv t where
  sConv :: proxy t -> OutS t
instance SConv 'ToInt where
  sConv _ = ToIntS
instance SConv 'ToBool where
  sConv _ = ToBoolS


希望Richard Eisenberg将在未来几年内完成他的DependentHaskell工作,此时所有这些都将变得更加痛苦。