
时间:2017-02-28 07:18:42

标签: akka akka-http circuit-breaker

akka http客户端的断路器示例看起来非常简单,对我来说并不适用。

object HttpWithCircuitBreaker extends App {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
  val breaker =
    new CircuitBreaker(
      maxFailures = 2,
      callTimeout = 3.seconds,
      resetTimeout = 25.seconds)
      .onOpen(println("circuit breaker opened"))
      .onClose(println("circuit breaker closed"))
      .onHalfOpen(println("circuit breaker half-open"))
  while (true) {
    val futureResponse: Future[HttpResponse] = Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = ""))
    breaker.withCircuitBreaker(futureResponse).map(resp => resp.status match {
      case Success(_) =>
        println("http success")
      case _ =>
        println(s"http error ${resp.status.intValue()}")
    }).recover {
      case e@_ =>
        println(s"exception ${e.getMessage}")


http success
http success
http success
exception Tcp command [Connect(,None,List(),Some(10 seconds),true)] failed
exception Circuit Breaker Timed out.
circuit breaker opened
exception Tcp command [Connect(,None,List(),Some(10 seconds),true)] failed
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker Timed out.
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
circuit breaker half-open             <--- new http call should start here
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker Timed out.  <--- but it fails with timeout
circuit breaker opened
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast
exception Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast


Here is the sample on github to play with

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


val futureResponse: Future[HttpResponse] = Http().singleRequest(...)


def futureResponse: Future[HttpResponse] = Http().singleRequest(...)

断路器需要包装异步调用 - 如果你使用val,你的异步调用将在断路器之外启动。

除此之外:不要在代码中使用Thread.sleep,尝试使用 - 例如 - 阿卡after