按mongo db

时间:2017-02-24 09:56:30

标签: php mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-framework

我正在使用以下mongo db查询。它只显示我的人物数据的年龄组。

    { $unwind: "$demographic" },
    { $match : { 'demographic.is_latest':"active",        
    'demographic.date_of_birth' : { $exists : true} } },
    { $project : {"ageInMillis" : {$subtract : [new Date(),   
    "$demographic.date_of_birth"] } } }, 
    { $project : {"age" : {$divide : ["$ageInMillis", 31558464000] }}},
    { $project : {"age" : {$subtract : ["$age", {$mod : ["$age",1]}]}}},



"_id" : ObjectId("58a42cbbdb5d880c1e000029"),
"age" : 29.0


"_id" : ObjectId("58a42cbbdb5d880c1e000029"),
"age" : 10-30
"personas" : 10


"_id" : ObjectId("58a42cbbdb5d880c1e000029"),
"persona_email" : "milton.ullrich@gmail.com",
"company_id" : "1",
"date_added" : ISODate("2017-02-15T10:23:15.000Z"),
"demographic" : [ 
        "persona_fname" : "Hayden",
        "middle_name" : "Jacobs",
        "persona_lname" : "Schmeler",
        "gender" : "male",
        "date_of_birth" : ISODate("1987-06-16T19:00:00.000Z"),
        "marital_status" : "single",
        "height" : "2.1 feet",
        "weight" : "5 kg",
        "measurement" : {
            "waist" : "34 inch"
        "disabilities" : "No",
        "race" : "Asian",
        "nationality" : "Jordan",
        "life_cycle" : "empty nest",
        "children" : {
            "gender" : "female",
            "date_of_birth" : ISODate("1987-06-16T19:00:00.000Z")
        "medicare_no" : "4916725587565",
        "driving_licence_no" : "PACBALM420M",
        "id_no" : "4485872783336",
        "passport_no" : "OCRFHCNR",
        "residential_address" : {
            "unit_no" : 603,
            "street_no" : "34863 Ondricka Viaduct Apt. 154",
            "street_name" : "84799 Little Wall",
            "suburb" : "West Virginia",
            "postal_code" : "23873",
            "state" : "Dominica",
            "country" : "Cook Islands"
        "work_address" : {
            "unit_no" : "6011865161287875",
            "street_no" : "630 Beer Underpass Suite 372",
            "street_name" : "87672 Lind Burg",
            "suburb" : "West Virginia",
            "postal_code" : "84356-3662",
            "state" : "Qatar",
            "country" : "British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)"
        "shipping_address" : {
            "unit_no" : "6011865161287875",
            "street_no" : "8292 Langosh Drive Suite 065",
            "street_name" : "9844 Nicolas Mount",
            "suburb" : "West Virginia",
            "postal_code" : "07014",
            "state" : "Togo",
            "country" : "Tunisia"
        "job_title" : "Geoscientists",
        "employer_name" : "Aufderhar Group",
        "income" : 72577,
        "phone_numbers" : {
            "work_phone" : "993-783-7499",
            "home_phone" : "701.546.7016",
            "mobile" : "1-346-729-4392"
        "emails" : {
            "work_emails" : "nikolaus.asa@gmail.com",
            "personal_emails" : "emmitt68@gmail.com"
        "languages" : "italian",
        "data_source" : "soldi",
        "date_added" : ISODate("2017-02-15T10:23:15.000Z"),
        "source" : "soldi",
        "is_latest" : "inactive"
        "persona_fname" : "Julien",
        "middle_name" : "Hirthe",
        "persona_lname" : "Schaefer",
        "gender" : "female",
        "date_of_birth" : ISODate("1987-06-16T19:00:00.000Z"),
        "marital_status" : "single",
        "height" : "2.1 feet",
        "weight" : "5 kg",
        "measurement" : {
            "waist" : "34 inch"
        "disabilities" : "No",
        "race" : "Asian",
        "nationality" : "Sudan",
        "life_cycle" : "single",
        "children" : {
            "gender" : "female",
            "date_of_birth" : ISODate("1987-06-16T19:00:00.000Z")
        "medicare_no" : "4024007131689860",
        "driving_licence_no" : "OGOSUOIFSDN",
        "id_no" : "5523297913341227",
        "passport_no" : "WWZYTE489ZR",
        "residential_address" : {
            "unit_no" : 603,
            "street_no" : "338 Mueller Gardens Suite 397",
            "street_name" : "6302 Catalina Isle",
            "suburb" : "West Virginia",
            "postal_code" : "97534",
            "state" : "Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)",
            "country" : "Turks and Caicos Islands"
        "work_address" : {
            "unit_no" : "6011865161287875",
            "street_no" : "8561 Jesus Ridges Apt. 662",
            "street_name" : "1869 Josiah Wall Apt. 347",
            "suburb" : "West Virginia",
            "postal_code" : "14810",
            "state" : "Zambia",
            "country" : "Mongolia"
        "shipping_address" : {
            "unit_no" : "6011865161287875",
            "street_no" : "514 Heller Center",
            "street_name" : "835 Paxton Cliffs Suite 040",
            "suburb" : "West Virginia",
            "postal_code" : "48942-3845",
            "state" : "Palau",
            "country" : "Belize"
        "job_title" : "Geoscientists",
        "employer_name" : "Aufderhar Group",
        "income" : 72577,
        "phone_numbers" : {
            "work_phone" : "(553) 892-7614 x573",
            "home_phone" : "796.308.3001 x88799",
            "mobile" : "+1-876-339-1755"
        "emails" : {
            "work_emails" : "prohaska.katelynn@hotmail.com",
            "personal_emails" : "ozulauf@jenkins.com"
        "languages" : "german",
        "data_source" : "soldi",
        "date_added" : ISODate("2017-02-15T10:23:15.000Z"),
        "source" : "soldi",
        "is_latest" : "active"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

在您的论坛管道中,将年龄范围创建为dfi.FirstDayOfWeek键的一部分,这可以通过使用 $concat {{来完成3}} 运营商。考虑运行以下管道以获得所需的结果:


在上面的管道中,我已经取出了空日期字段的查询,并将其替换为 "$cond" $ifNull 运算符>管道。这将返回生日字段为空的当前日期,从而产生0年的年龄,该年龄将落入特殊年龄范围括号,因此需要包括所有文档,包括缺少出生日期字段的文档。

如果 $project 运算符用于所有 $concat 表达式,则该组合至关重要,因为它充当案例陈述否则会有嵌套的 $cond 运算符。

要理解此设计,请使用第三个 $cond 表达式

    { "$unwind": "$demographic" },
    { "$match": { "demographic.is_latest": "active" } },
        "$project": {
            "age": {
                "$divide": [
                        "$subtract": [
                            new Date(),
                            { "$ifNull": ["$demographic.date_of_birth", new Date()] }
                    1000 * 86400 * 365
        "$group": {
            "_id": {
                "$concat": [
                    { "$cond": [ { "$lte": [ "$age", 0 ] }, "Unknown", ""] },
                    { "$cond": [ { "$and": [ { "$gt":  ["$age", 0 ] }, { "$lt": ["$age", 10] } ]}, "Under 10", ""] },
                    { "$cond": [ { "$and": [ { "$gte": ["$age", 10] }, { "$lt": ["$age", 31] } ]}, "10 - 30", ""] },
                    { "$cond": [ { "$and": [ { "$gte": ["$age", 31] }, { "$lt": ["$age", 51] } ]}, "31 - 50", ""] },
                    { "$cond": [ { "$and": [ { "$gte": ["$age", 51] }, { "$lt": ["$age", 71] } ]}, "51 - 70", ""] },
                    { "$cond": [ { "$gte": [ "$age", 71 ] }, "Over 70", ""] }
            "personas": { "$sum": 1 }
    { "$project": { "_id": 0, "age": "$_id", "personas": 1 } }


   "$cond": [ 
           "$and": [ 
               { "$gte": ["$age", 10] }, 
               { "$lt": ["$age", 31] } 
       "10 - 30", // matching if
       ""  // else
$cond 运算符一起使用时,

$concat 非常有用,因为表达式将返回一个空值,但匹配的值除外将返回年龄组。


if ( "$age" >= 10 && "$age" < 31 ) { return "10 - 30"; }
else return "";

然后会为您提供值"$concat": [ "", "", "10 - 30", "", "", "" ]
