我已经尝试了所有我能想到的东西,却没有成功。如何以及何时计算到所有补丁的距离?我如何计算对我的价值?我意识到这些计算是特定于乌龟的,因为每只乌龟都有自己的一组距离来测量景观上的每个补丁。因此,我尝试过这样的事情,比如“让价值给我[利益/距离自己],设定目标最大值 - 我的价值”(以及我能想到的每一种可能的变化)。
;;------------------------------------Run model-----------------------------
;; benefit is the food benefit on a patch, either 0.1 or 1.0
;; sum-v is the total food benefits acquired by the turtle as it picks patches for its home range
;; threshold-v is the total benefits required in order to satisfy home range requirements.
;; patches are used? = true once picked, so turtle can only pick unused patches.
;; start-patch is the origin (center) of the home range, from which turtle picks patches.
to go
ask turtles
to pick-territory
ifelse sum-v < threshold-v ;; if the turtle's sum-v is less than threshold-v, then keep picking
;--This line works:---
set destination min-one-of patches with [ benefit >= 1 and used? = false ][ distance myself ]
;; This line appears to work so that turtle decides which is next-closest high-benefit, unused patch from its home range center.
;--BUT...this is what I want to do:---
;; Calculate distance to all patches from start-patch (turtle's home range origin).
;; Calculate "value-to-me" as the benefit (of patch) divided by distance to that patch from turtle's start-patch.
;; Set destination to highest value-to-me patch.
;; I've tried all sorts of things to do this, to no avail.
;; For example, the following code doesn't work...
let value-to-me [benefit / distance myself]
set destination max-one-of value-to-me
;; So I'm hoping for help with all this.
;--After it sets its destination, the turtle does the following:
face destination
forward 1 ;; move forward 1 and do all these things....
set memory lput patch-here memory ;; turtle adds patch to memory of home range as it moves across it
if patch-here = destination
set sum-v sum-v + benefit ;; monitors total sum-v acquired as the sum of all benefits from patches
set patches-picked patches-picked + 1 ;; counts the # of patches picked for home range
set used? true ;; changes patch to used? true so knows it's no longer available
let this-turtle self
set owner this-turtle ;; adds the turtle's name to the patch so the patch knows who owns it
move-to start-patch ;; return to origin and find a new available destination patch
if patch-here != destination ;; meanwhile, if the patch isn't the destination (turtle moves across it to get there), then do the following:
if used? = false ;; if it's an available patch...still add it to the home range, add +1 to patches-picked, add its benefits to sum-v, etc.
[ set sum-v sum-v + benefit
set patches-picked patches-picked + 1
set used? true
let this-turtle self
set owner this-turtle
[stop] ;; stop if sum-v => threshold-v.