我必须使用python构建一个串行通信应用程序,旧的应用程序只在Windows XP上工作,并用C编写。现在我必须切换到Linux,我没有一个工作的驱动程序。我自己开始编码。我从串口设备的生产公司那里得到了协议。 串行设备接收和发送由CRC结束的数据。我是python的新手,我没有解决方案,也许有人可以帮助我。
这是CRC alghoritm:
The two CRC bytes are calculated according to the formula x^15 + 1. In the calculation are included all data bytes plus the byte for block end. Every byte passes through the calculation register from teh MSB to LSB.
Three working bytes are used - S1, S0 and TR
S1 - Most significant byte from the CRC ( it is transmitted immediatelly after END)
S0 - Least significant byte from the CRC ( It is transmitted after S1)
TR - the current transmitted byte in the block.
The CRC is calculated as follows:
1. S1 and S0 are zeroed
2. TR is loaded with the current transmitted byte. The byte is transmitted.
3. Points 3.1 and 3.2 are executed 8 times:
3.1. S1, S0 and TR are shifted one bit to the left.
3.2. If the carry bit from S1 is 1, the MSB of S1 and LSB of S0 are inverted.
Points 2 and 3 are executed for all bytes, included in the calculation of the CRC - from the first byte after BEG up to and including byte END.
4. TR is loaded with 0 and point 3 is executed
5. TR is loaded with 0 and point 3 is executed
6. Byte S1 is transmitted
7. Byte S0 is transmitted
Three working bytes are used S1, S0 and RC
S1 - Most significant byte from the CRC ( it is received immediately after END)
S0 - Least significant byte from the CRC ( transmitted after S1)
RC - the current received byte in the block ( beginning from the first byte after BEG and ending 2 bytes after END).
The CRC is obtained as follows:
1. S1 and S0 are zeroed
2. RC is loaded with the current received byte
3. Points 3.1 and 3.2 are executed 8 times:
3.1. S1, S0 and RC are shifted 8 times to the left
3.2. if the MSB of S1 is 1 then MSB of S1 and LSB of S0 are inverted.
Points 2 and 3 are executed for all bytes, included in the calculation of the CRC - from the first byte after BEG up to and including 2 bytes after END.
S1 and S0 must be 0.
public class Crc {
public static final String CRC_NAME = "CRC-16-ECR";
private static final int POLYNOMIAL = 32769;
public static final int WIDTH = 16;
public static final int TOPBIT = 32768;
short CRC;
short[] crcTable = new short[256];
public Crc() {
private void crcInit() {
for(int dividend = 0; dividend < 256; ++dividend) {
int remainder = dividend << 8;
for(byte bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit) {
if((remainder & '耀') != 0) {
remainder = (remainder << 1 ^ '老') & '\uffff';
} else {
remainder = remainder << 1 & '\uffff';
this.crcTable[dividend] = (short)remainder;
public short crcFast(byte[] message, int nBytes) {
int remainder = 0;
for(int oneByte = 0; oneByte < nBytes; ++oneByte) {
int data = (message[oneByte] ^ remainder >> 8) & 255;
remainder = this.crcTable[data] ^ remainder << 8;
return (short)remainder;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import sys
crc = 0
while True:
ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
if not ch:
crc ^= ord(ch) << 8
for _ in range(8):
crc = crc << 1 if (crc & 0x8000) == 0 else (crc << 1) ^ 0x8001
crc &= 0xffff
print(format(crc, '04x'))