
时间:2017-02-15 02:30:01

标签: ansible ansible-role ansible-handlers

an Ansible rolethe following tasks

 # optionally find the latest version of goss using the GitHub "API"
 - name: detect latest version
   shell: |
    curl -sIS https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/releases/latest | \
      tr -d '\r' | \
      grep -oP '(?<=Location:\s).*' | \
      grep -oP '(?<=v)\d+\.\d+\.\d+'
   register: detected_latest
   when: version == "latest"

 - name: set detected version
     real_version: "{{ detected_latest.stdout.strip() }}"
   when: version == "latest"

 - name: set specified verison
     real_version: "{{ version }}"
   when: version != "latest"

 # set play facts
 - name: set facts
     download_url: "https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/releases/download/v{{ real_version }}/goss-linux-amd64"

 # create goss directories
 - name: create goss directories
   file: path={{ item }} state=directory
     - /tmp/degoss
     - /tmp/degoss/bin
     - /tmp/degoss/tests
   notify: clean

 # download goss
 - name: install
     url: "{{ download_url }}"
     dest: /tmp/degoss/bin/goss
     mode: 0755

 # deploy test cases
 - name: deploy tests
   copy: src={{ item }} dest=/tmp/degoss/tests/
   with_items: "{{ tests }}"

 # run the tests
 - name: run tests
   goss: executable=/tmp/degoss/bin/goss path="{{ item }}" format="{{ format }}"
   with_fileglob: /tmp/degoss/tests/*.yml

即,当create goss directories运行时,它会触发the clean handler

# handlers file for degoss
 - name: clean
   file: path=/tmp/degoss state=absent

由于我的模块的性质,我希望clean处理程序始终运行,即使角色中的其他任务失败也是如此。从我的粗略测试中,如果run tests失败,则永远不会调用处理程序,并且临时文件将保留在目标计算机上。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

引用Handlers and Failure章节:


您可以使用--force-handlers命令行选项更改此行为,或在游戏中加入force_handlers: True,或在force_handlers = True中加ansible.cfg。强制处理程序时,即使任务在该主机上失败,它们也会在收到通知时运行。 (请注意,某些错误仍可能阻止处理程序运行,例如主机无​​法访问。)

答案 1 :(得分:-2)

    # tasks file for block
    - name: command 0
      shell: uname -i

    - block:
      - name: command1
        shell: ls /tmp/
      - name: command2
        shell: ls /tmp/momo

  - name: retour arriere ya eu une erreur
    shell: ls -ls