最初,通过将所有Panel放在单个父Panel中并创建一个循环(或4)以将所有Control.Panel对象添加到Control Array来解决问题。这允许我动态地基于所选节点显示正确的Panel。问题是......我目前只有一个子级别(即Parent和Parent-Child节点),因此我的数组只需要是二维的。但是,如果我决定添加另一个级别(即Parent-Child-Child),我的数组将需要为3维。
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class frm_options
Dim all_controls(,) As Control = {} 'Array of panel controls inside of panel_container.
Private Sub frm_options_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Fill (and resize as needed) the all_controls(,) array with the panel controls based on their x,y coordinates by name.
'Arrange ALL panels to the correct location.
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
For Each panel_control As Control In panel_container.Controls
If TypeOf (panel_control) Is Panel Then
'Find the total amount of x,y panels that we need to fit into our array.
'Find x,y dimension that panel should fit into array based on name [i.e. panel_1_0(0,0), panel_1_1(0,1), panel_2_0(1,0), panel_2_1(1,1), etc.]
Dim xy As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(panel_control.Name, "panel_(\d)*_*(\d)")
For Each m As Match In xy
For Each cx As Capture In m.Groups(1).Captures
'For every x
If (cx.Value > x) Then
x = cx.Value
End If
For Each cy As Capture In m.Groups(2).Captures
'For every y in x
If (cy.Value > y) Then
y = cy.Value
End If
'Because we start our panel naming convention at 1_0, we must subtract this from our X value but not Y.
ReDim Preserve all_controls(x - 1, y)
all_controls(cx.Value - 1, cy.Value) = panel_control
End If
'At this point, x = maximum x coordinates needed, y = maximum y coordinates needed and all_controls contains a list of Panels for the TreeView.
End Sub
Private Sub options_tree_AfterSelect(sender As Object, e As TreeViewEventArgs) Handles options_tree.AfterSelect
'All below examples assume there is a single parent and child node.
'If there is a need for a child in a child node, change Level to > 1 (or however many childs needed)
If (options_tree.SelectedNode.Level > 0) Then
'If the selected node is a child node...
For Each control_panel In all_controls
If (control_panel IsNot Nothing) Then
If (control_panel Is all_controls(options_tree.SelectedNode.Parent.Index, options_tree.SelectedNode.Index + 1)) Then
control_panel.Visible = True
control_panel.Visible = False
End If
End If
'If the selected node is a parent node...
For Each control_panel As Control In all_controls
If (control_panel IsNot Nothing) Then
If (control_panel Is all_controls(options_tree.SelectedNode.Index, 0)) Then
control_panel.Visible = True
control_panel.Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
原谅我丑陋的编码......我确信有更简单的方法来实现这一点 - 但我只是编码作为一种爱好,并且从未接受任何课程。如您所见,此代码允许我根据需要添加任意数量的节点和相应的面板(只要我继续使用正确的命名约定),而无需更改任何代码来实现新控件。但是,如果我向TreeView添加另一个级别,我将需要修改代码以使用三维数组。