Redim Preserve数组

时间:2016-05-19 14:55:22

标签: arrays jagged-arrays


这不起作用。该数据保留在元素中,但代码未向每个数组添加指定数量的元素(每个数组需要= 51)。


 'Add an element to each ListOf(Integer) based on how many rows are in the DataGridView
        For Each r As DataGridViewRow In dgvStepTest.Rows
            accels.Add(r.Cells(0).Value) : decels.Add(r.Cells(1).Value) : Speeds.Add(r.Cells(2).Value)
            holds.Add(r.Cells(3).Value) : flows.Add(r.Cells(4).Value) : Temps.Add(r.Cells(5).Value)

        'Convert each ListOf(Integer) to an Array
        accels.TrimExcess() : accelRates = accels.ToArray
        decels.TrimExcess() : decelRates = decels.ToArray
        Speeds.TrimExcess() : spindleSpeeds = Speeds.ToArray
        holds.TrimExcess() : holdTimes = holds.ToArray
        flows.TrimExcess() : flowRates = flows.ToArray
        Temps.TrimExcess() : oilTemps = Temps.ToArray

        'Now determine the number of elements to add to each of the arrays so that the length of each array = 51
        num = (51 - accelRates.Length)

        'Now add the number of elements to each array based on the number calculated above, while also preserving the data
        'already in each element in each of the arrays.  New elements added should have values = 0.
        Dim jaggedArray()() = New Integer(5)() {accelRates, decelRates, spindleSpeeds, holdTimes, flowRates, oilTemps}
        For Each [Array] In jaggedArray
            ReDim Preserve Array(Array.Length + num)

1 个答案:

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Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim accels As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer)()
        accels.AddRange({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9})
        Dim accelrates = accels.ToArray()
        Dim num As Integer = (50) ' Index is zero based there for use 50
        ReDim Preserve accelrates(num)
    End Sub
End Module


Array.Resize(accelrates, 51)

再看一下,您的For Each声明似乎没有按预期工作。我会把它改成For这样的语句。

For x = 0 To jaggedArray.Count - 1
    ReDim Preserve jaggedArray(x)(50)