
时间:2017-02-06 09:07:31

标签: python math scipy ode

y''' + yy" + (1 - y'^2)= 0 y(0)=0, y'(0)=0, y'(+∞)=1

+∞可以替换为4) 这是一个falkenr-skan equaiton。 我想从0到4获得numreiacl解决方案。

实际上,我已经阅读了使用Python 3编写的“工程中的数值方法”一书,并使用了本书中的方法,但我无法得到答案,也许书中有一些错误。 这是代码

solve the differential equation
y''' + yy" + (1 - y'^2)= 0  y(0) = 0 y'(0) = 0,y'(+inf) = 0
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from printSoln import *
start = time.clock()
def F(x,y):   # First-order differential equations
    y = np.zeros(3)
    F0 = y[0]
    F1 = y[2]
    F2 = y[2]
    F3 = -y[0]*y[2] - (1 - y[1]*y[1])
    return [F1,F2,F3]

def init(u):
    return np.array([0,0,u])
X = np.linspace(0, 5, 50)
u = 0
for i in range(1):
    u += 1
    Y = odeint(F, init(u), X)
    if abs(Y[len(Y)-1,1] - 1) < 0.001:
        print(i,'times iterations')
        print("y'(inf)) = ", Y[len(Y)-1,1])
        print('y"(0) =',u)
end = time.clock()

print('duration =',end - start)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

你展示的代码应该通过将边界值问题减少到初始值问题(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_method)来实现解决边界值问题的射击方法。 但是,代码中存在许多错误。

  1. 通过阅读作为解决方案核心的odeint函数的文档(https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.18.1/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.odeint.html),可以发现odeint的第一个参数是{{1} }。因此,我们必须将func(y, t0, ...)

  2. 替换为def F(x,y):
  3. 函数def F(y,x):应该计算x的y的导数。将原始的三阶非线性ODE重写为三个一阶ODE的系统,可以发现:(a)行F(y, x)没有意义,因为它强制所有导数为零; (b)它应该是y = np.zeros(3)而不是F1 = y[1]而且(c)行F1 = y[2]不是必需的,可以删除。

  4. 我们已经发现代码应该实现拍摄方法。这意味着在左边界处我们必须设置条件F0 = y[0],它们来自问题陈述。但是,要解决初始值问题,我们需要y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 0的另一个条件。我们的想法是,我们将使用y''(0)形式的不同条件来解决我们的ODE系统,直到某个值为y''(0) = u,解决方案在给定容差的右边界处满足边界条件u。因此,出于实验目的,我们将y'(4) = 1替换为for i in range(1):,并按for i in range(5):打印y'(4)的值。输出将是:

    print Y[-1,1]
  5. 可以看出,如果-1.26999326625 19.263464565 73.5661968483 175.047093183 340.424666137 = 1的增量:(a)u单调增加,(b)u = 1 y'(4),则u = 2 {{1 }}。因此,可以使用y'(4)=-1.26999326625找到满足边界条件y'(4)=19.263464565的解。因此,我们必须减少y'(4)=1的增量,以便找到具有更高容差的解决方案。



    u的数值研究表明,两种不同的解决方案是可能的。一个位于import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import odeint import time start = time.clock() def F(y, x): # First-order differential equations F1 = y[1] F2 = y[2] F3 = -y[0]*y[2] - (1 - y[1]*y[1]) return [F1,F2,F3] def init(u): return np.array([0,0,u]) X = np.linspace(0, 4, 50) niter = 100 u = 0 tol = 0.1 ustep = 0.01 for i in range(niter): u += ustep Y = odeint(F, init(u), X) print Y[-1,1] if abs(Y[len(Y)-1,1] - 1) < tol: print(i,'times iterations') print("y'(inf)) = ", Y[len(Y)-1,1]) print('y"(0) =',u) break end = time.clock() print('duration =',end - start) plt.plot(X, Y[:,0], label='y') plt.plot(X, Y[:,1], label='y\'') plt.legend() plt.show() ,另一个位于ustep=0.01。这些解决方案如下所示。 enter image description here enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)

# biscetion
""" root = bisection(f,x1,x2,switch=0,tol=1.0e-9).
Finds a root of f(x) = 0 by bisection.
The root must be bracketed in (x1,x2).
Setting switch = 1 returns root = None if
f(x) increases upon bisection.
import math
from numpy import sign
def bisection(f,x1,x2,switch=1,tol=1.0e-9):
    f1 = f(x1)
    if f1 == 0.0: return x1
    f2 = f(x2)
    if f2 == 0.0: return x2
    if sign(f1) == sign(f2):
        print('Root is not bracketed')
    n = int(math.ceil(math.log(abs(x2 - x1)/tol)/math.log(2.0)))
    for i in range(n):
        x3 = 0.5*(x1 + x2); f3 = f(x3)
        if (switch == 1) and (abs(f3) > abs(f1)) \
            and (abs(f3) > abs(f2)):
            return None

        if f3 == 0.0: return x3
        if sign(f2)!= sign(f3): x1 = x3; f1 = f3
        else: x2 = x3; f2 = f3
    return (x1 + x2)/2.0
# run_kut4
""" X,Y = integrate(F,x,y,xStop,h).
    4th-order Runge-Kutta method for solving the
    initail value problem {y}' = {F(x,{y})},where
    {y} = {y[0],y[1],...,y[n-1]}.
    x,y = initial conditions
    xStop = terminal value of x
    h     =increment of x used in integration
    F     =user - supplied function that returns the 
           array F(x,y) = {y'[0],y'[1],...,y'[n-1]}.
import numpy as np
def integrate(F,x,y,xStop,h):

    def run_kut4(F,x,y,h):
        K0 = h*F(x,y)
        K1 = h*F(x + h/2.0, y + K0/2.0)
        K2 = h*F(x + h/2.0, y + K1/2.0)
        K3 = h*F(x + h, y + K2)
        return (K0 + 2.0*K1 + 2.0*K2 + K3)/6.0
    X = []
    Y = []
    while x < xStop:
        h = min(h,xStop - x)
        y = y + run_kut4(F,x,y,h)
        x = x + h
    return np.array(X), np.array(Y)
## printsSoln
""" printSoln(X,Y,freq).
    Prints X and Y returner from the differential
    equation solves using printout frequency 'freq'.
        freq = n prints every nth step.
        freq = 0 prints inital and final values only.
def printSoln(X,Y,freq):

    def printHead(n):
        print('\n{:>13}'.format('x'),end=" ")
        for i in range(n):
            print('{}{}{}{}'.format(' '*(9),'y[',i,']'),end=" ")
    def printLine(x,y,n):
        print("{:13.4}".format(x),end=" ")
        for i in range(n):
            print("{:13.4f}".format(y[i]),end=" ")
    m = len(Y)
    try: n  = len(Y[0])
    except TypeError: n = 1
    if freq == 0: freq = m
    for i in range(0,m,freq):
    if i != m - 1: printLine(X[m - 1],Y[m - 1],n)

solve the differential equation
y''' + yy" + B(1 - y'^2)= 0  y(0) = 0 y'(0) = 0,y'(+inf) = 0
B = [0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,-0.1,-0.15]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
start = time.clock()
def initCond(u): #Init. values of [y.y']; use 'u' if unkown 
    return np.array([0.0,0.0,u])

def r(u):   # Boundart condition resdiual
    X,Y = integrate(F,xStart,initCond(u),xStop,h)
    y = Y[len(Y) - 1]
    r = y[1] - 1.0
    return r

def F(x,y):   # Third-order differential equations
    F = np.zeros(3)
    F[0] = y[1]
    F[1] = y[2]
    F[2] = -y[0]*y[2] - (1 - y[1]*y[1])
    return F

xStart = 0.0   # Start of integration
xStop = 5    # End of integraiton
u1 = 1.0       # 1st trial value of unknown init. cond.
u2 = 2.0       # 2nd trial value of unknown init. cond.
h = 0.1        # Step size
freq = 2       # Printout frequency

u = bisection(r,u1,u2,tol = 1.0e-9) #Comput the correct initial condition
X,Y = integrate(F,xStart,initCond(u),xStop,h)
end = time.clock()
print('duration =',end - start)
plt.plot(X, Y[:,0], label='y')
plt.plot(X, Y[:,1], label='y\'')