DateTime date = new DateTime();
string date1 = date.ToString("dd MMM yy");
string date2 = date.ToString("yyyy/MM");
string date3 = date.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在搜索完互联网后,我在Marlun78上的GitHub上发现了这个JavaScript file。
export interface IFormatDateSettings {
days?: string[];
daysAbbr?: string[];
designators?: string[];
defaultFormat?: string;
months?: string[];
monthsAbbr?: string[];
os?: string[];
* Date Format
* Copyright (c) 2011, marlun78
* MIT License, https://gist.github.com/marlun78/bd0800cf5e8053ba9f83
* Format options inspired by the .NET framework's format.
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8kb3ddd4.aspx
* Non-formatting characters within the format string must be
* quoted (single (') or double (") quotes)! The same is true
* for two format specifiers that should apear together. Eg.
* if you want the date to be output with the date ordinal
* (9th), the format string must be "d''x" (or 'd""x').
* Arguments:
* format {String} The format pattern to display the date in. See Format Patterns section below for options.
* settings {Object} Formatting settings.
* Settings:
* asUtc {Boolean} If the formatted date is to be returned as a UTC date.
* days {Array} The days of the week. Starting with Sunday.
* daysAbbr {Array} The days of the week, abbreviated. Starting with Sunday.
* designator {Array} Time designator. Starting with AM.
* format {String} The format pattern to format the date in.
* months {Array} The name of the months. Starting with January.
* monthsAbbr {Array} The name of the months, abbreviated. Starting with January.
* Format Patterns:
* d 1-31 The day of the month
* dd 01-31 The day of the month
* ddd Mon-Sun The abbreviated name of the day of the week
* dddd Monday-Sunday The full name of the day of the week
* f 6 The tenths of a second in a date and time value. The remaining digits are truncated.
* ff 61 The hundredths of a second in a date and time value. The remaining digits are truncated.
* fff 617 The milliseconds in a date and time value. The remaining digits are truncated.
* ffff 6170 The milliseconds in a date and time value, with a trailing zero. The remaining digits are truncated.
* fffff 61700 The milliseconds in a date and time value, with two trailing zeros. The remaining digits are truncated.
* ffffff 617000 The milliseconds in a date and time value, with three trailing zeros. The remaining digits are truncated.
* F 6 The tenths of a second in a date and time value. Trailing zeros or zero values are not displayed.
* FF 61 The hundredths of a second in a date and time value. Trailing zeros or zero values are not displayed.
* FFF 617 The milliseconds in a date and time value. Trailing zeros or zero values are not displayed.
* FFFF 617 The milliseconds in a date and time value. Trailing zeros or zero values are not displayed.
* FFFFF 617 The milliseconds in a date and time value. Trailing zeros or zero values are not displayed.
* FFFFFF 617 The milliseconds in a date and time value. Trailing zeros or zero values are not displayed.
* h 1-12 The hour, using a 12-hour clock
* hh 01-12 The hour, using a 12-hour clock
* H 0-23 The hour, using a 24-hour clock
* HH 00-23 The hour, using a 24-hour clock
* m 0-59 The minute
* mm 00-59 The minute
* M 1-12 The month
* MM 01-12 The month
* MMM Jan-Dec The abbreviated name of the month
* MMMM January-December The full name of the month
* s 0-59 The second
* ss 00-59 The second
* tt AM/PM The AM/PM designator
* x st, nd, rd, th The ordinal suffix of a number (NOTE! This does not exist in .NET!)
* y 0-99 The year
* yy 00-99 The year
* yyy 001-9999 The year, with a minimum of three digits
* yyyy 0001-9999 The year as a four-digit number
* z +1 Hours offset from UTC, with no leading zeros.
* zz +01 Hours offset from UTC, with a leading zero for a single-digit value.
* zzz +01:00 Hours and minutes offset from UTC.
* Example:
* The formatting method can be called in the following three ways:
* formatDate(format, settings) {String} The format string passed is used, any settings are stored.
* If the settings object contain a format property, it will override the format string.
* formatDate(settings) {String} Settings are stored and the stored format is used.
* formatDate() {String} Default settings are used.
export class FormatDateService {
static settings: IFormatDateSettings = {
days: 'Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday'.split(' '),
daysAbbr: 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat'.split(' '),
designators: 'AM PM'.split(' '),
defaultFormat: 'MMMM d""x "at" h:mm tt',
months: 'January February March April May June July August September October November December'.split(' '),
monthsAbbr: 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' '),
os: 'th st nd rd th'.split(' ')
asUtc: boolean = false;
handlers = {
d: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return date[this.getMethod('Date')](); },
dd: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Date')]()); },
ddd: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.getDayName(date, true, settings); },
dddd: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.getDayName(date, undefined, settings); },
f: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
return this.pad(this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3), 6, true).substr(0, 1);
ff: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
return this.pad(this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3), 6, true).substr(0, 2);
fff: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
return this.pad(this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3), 6, true).substr(0, 3);
ffff: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
return this.pad(this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3), 6, true).substr(0, 4);
fffff: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
return this.pad(this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3), 6, true).substr(0, 5);
ffffff: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
return this.pad(this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3), 6, true).substr(0, 6);
F: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
let r = this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3).substr(0, 1); return r === '0' ? '' : r;
FF: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
let r = this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3).substr(0, 2); return r === '00' ? '' : r;
FFF: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Milliseconds')](), 3).substr(0, 3); },
FFFF: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.handlers.FFF(date, settings); },
FFFFF: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.handlers.FFF(date, settings); },
FFFFFF: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.handlers.FFF(date, settings); },
h: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { let h = date[this.getMethod('Hours')](); return h > 12 ? h - 12 : h; },
hh: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { let h = date[this.getMethod('Hours')](); return this.pad(h > 12 ? h - 12 : h); },
m: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return date[this.getMethod('Minutes')](); },
mm: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Minutes')]()); },
H: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return date[this.getMethod('Hours')](); },
HH: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Hours')]()); },
M: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return date[this.getMethod('Month')]() + 1; },
MM: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Month')]() + 1); },
MMM: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.getMonthName(date, true, settings); },
MMMM: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.getMonthName(date, undefined, settings); },
s: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return date[this.getMethod('Seconds')](); },
ss: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('Seconds')]()); },
tt: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.getDesignator(date, settings); },
x: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.getOrdinal(date, settings); },
y: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
let y = date[this.getMethod('FullYear')](), s = y.toString(); return y < 10 ? y : s.substr(s.length - 2);
yy: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('FullYear')](), 2); },
yyy: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
let y = date[this.getMethod('FullYear')](), s = y.toString(); return y < 1000 ? this.pad(y, 3) : s.substr(s.length - 4);
yyyy: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('FullYear')](), 4); },
yyyyy: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('FullYear')](), 5); },
yyyyyy: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { return this.pad(date[this.getMethod('FullYear')](), 6); },
z: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => { let t = date.getTimezoneOffset(); return (t > 0 ? '-' : '+') + Math.abs(t / 60); },
zz: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
let t = date.getTimezoneOffset(); return (t > 0 ? '-' : '+') + this.pad(Math.abs(t / 60));
zzz: (date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings) => {
let t = date.getTimezoneOffset(); return (t > 0 ? '-' : '+') +
this.pad(Math.abs(t / 60)) + ':' + this.pad((Math.abs(t / 60) % 1) * 60);
findPatterns: RegExp = /([dfFhmHMstxyz]+)(?=([^"']*["'][^"']*["'])*[^"']*$)/g;
getMethod(method: string): string {
return 'get' + (this.asUtc ? 'UTC' : '') + method;
public formatDate(date: Date, format: string = undefined, settings: IFormatDateSettings = undefined): string {
let usedSettings: IFormatDateSettings = FormatDateService.settings;
if (settings) {
usedSettings = Object.assign({}, FormatDateService.settings, settings);
if (!format) {
format = usedSettings.defaultFormat;
return format.replace(this.findPatterns, (match, group1) => {
let fn = this.handlers[group1];
return typeof fn === 'function' ? fn(date, usedSettings) : match;
}).replace(/["']/g, '');
getDayName(date: Date, asAbbr: boolean, settings: IFormatDateSettings): string {
let n: number = date.getDay();
return asAbbr ? settings.daysAbbr[n] : settings.days[n];
getMonthName(date: Date, asAbbr: boolean, settings: IFormatDateSettings): string {
let n: number = date.getMonth();
return asAbbr ? settings.monthsAbbr[n] : settings.months[n];
getOrdinal(date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings): string {
let d: number = date.getDate();
return (d > 3 && d < 21) ? settings.os[0] : settings.os[Math.min(d % 10, 4)];
getDesignator(date: Date, settings: IFormatDateSettings): string {
return date.getHours() >= 12 ? settings.designators[1] : settings.designators[0];
pad(obj: any, len: any = undefined, fromRight: any = undefined): string {
let p = '000000';
return fromRight ?
(obj + p).slice(0, len ? Math.min(len, p.length) : 2) :
(p + obj).slice(-(len ? Math.min(len, p.length) : 2));
let date:Date = new Date();
let formatdateService = new FormatDateService();
let formatedDate1:string = formatdateService.formatDate(date, 'dd MM yy');
let formatedDate2:string = formatdateService.formatDate(date, 'yyyy/MM');
let formatedDate3:string = formatdateService.formatDate(date, 'MMMM d, yyyy');