class Program
string userWord1;
string userWord2;
static void Main()
List<string> words = new List<string>();
List<string> words2 = new List<string>();
string userWord1;
string[] a = SplitWords("Today I went to the zoo."
+ " I saw a " + adjective1 + noun1 + "jumping up and down in it's tree."
+ " He " + verb1 + adverb1 + " through the large tunnel that led to led to it's " + adjective2 + noun2
+ " I got some peanuts and passed them through the cage to a gigantic gray " + noun3 + " towering above my head."
+ " Feeding that animal made me hungry."
+ " I went to get a " + adjective3 + " of ice-cream.
+ " It filled my stomach."
+ " Afterwards I had to " + verb2 + adverb2 + " to catch our bus"
+ " When I got home I " + verb3 + " my mom for a" + adjective3 + " day at the zoo.");
string[] b = SplitWords2("I saw a adjective noun jumping up and down in it's tree.");
foreach (string s in a)
Console.Write(" ");
string sentence = string.Join(",", words.ToArray());
Regex r = new Regex(@"\went\b"); //@"\adjective\b")
sentence = r.Replace(sentence, "@@");
foreach (string t in b)
Console.Write(" ");
string sentence2 = string.Join(",", words2.ToArray());
Regex br = new Regex(@"\adjective\b"); //@"\adjective\b")
sentence2 = br.Replace(sentence2, "@@");
static string[] SplitWords(string s)
return Regex.Split(s, @"\Ww+[.?:;!_]");
@ special verbatim string syntax
\W + one or more non - word characters together