print("got here")
ref.child("Used").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
print("got here?")
// do something
中执行相同的调用时,它不会崩溃ref.child("Used").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Check if exists
if snapshot.hasChild(self.TextField.text!) {
let joinInfo = ["info" : self.TextField.text!]
self.Information = joinInfo
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "Segue", sender: self)
} else {
// TODO Alert error
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "Segue" {
if let destination = segue.destination as? ViewController {
// Create a dispatch group to sync all Firebase call
print("got here ")
ref.child("Used").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
print("got here?")
我收到的错误消息是:fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
2017-01-24 15:48:23.845240 A[10696:2902570] fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
0x10081d1e4 <+96>: nop
0x10081d1e8 <+100>: mov x0, x25
0x10081d1ec <+104>: mov x1, x24
0x10081d1f0 <+108>: mov x2, x23
0x10081d1f4 <+112>: mov x4, x8
0x10081d1f8 <+116>: bl 0x100710b80 ; function signature specialization <preserving fragile attribute, Arg[1] = [Closure Propagated : reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafeBufferPointer<Swift.UInt8>) -> () to @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafeBufferPointer<Swift.UInt8>) -> (@out ()), Argument Types : [@callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafeBufferPointer<Swift.UInt8>) -> ()]> of generic specialization <preserving fragile attribute, ()> of Swift.StaticString.withUTF8Buffer <A> ((Swift.UnsafeBufferPointer<Swift.UInt8>) -> A) -> A
-> 0x10081d1fc <+120>: brk #0x1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
ref.child("Used").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
print("got here?")