
时间:2017-01-19 17:58:51

标签: c++ parsing boost boost-spirit boost-spirit-qi

我为自定义文本文件格式创建了一个Qi解析器。有数万个条目要处理,每个条目通常有1-10个子条目。我把我的解析器的一个修剪下来的工作示例 here

#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_fusion.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_stl.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_object.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/support_istream_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

namespace model
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

    struct spectrum
        string comment;
        string file;
        string nativeId;
        double precursorMz;
        int precursorCharge;
        double precursorIntensity;

    struct cluster
        string id;
        vector<spectrum> spectra;

    struct clustering
        string name;
        vector<cluster> clusters;

// Tell fusion about the data structures to make them first-class fusion citizens.
// Must be at global scope.

    (string, comment)
    (string, file)
    (string, nativeId)
    (double, precursorMz)
    (int, precursorCharge)
    (double, precursorIntensity)

    (string, id)
    (std::vector<model::spectrum>, spectra)

    (string, name)
    (std::vector<model::cluster>, clusters)

namespace {
    struct ReportError
      template<typename, typename, typename, typename> struct result { typedef void type; };

      // contract the string to the surrounding new-line characters
      template<typename Iter>
      void operator()(Iter first_iter, Iter last_iter,
                      Iter error_iter, const boost::spirit::qi::info& what) const
        std::string first(first_iter, error_iter);
        std::string last(error_iter, last_iter);
        auto first_pos = first.rfind('\n');
        auto last_pos = last.find('\n');
        auto error_line = ((first_pos == std::string::npos) ? first
                            : std::string(first, first_pos + 1))
                          + std::string(last, 0, last_pos);
        //auto error_pos = (error_iter - first_iter) + 1;
        /*auto error_pos = error
        if (first_pos != std::string::npos)
          error_pos -= (first_pos + 1);*/

        std::cerr << "Error parsing in " << what << std::endl
                  << error_line << std::endl
                  //<< std::setw(error_pos) << '^'
                  << std::endl;

    const boost::phoenix::function<ReportError> report_error = ReportError();

namespace model
    template <typename Iterator>
    struct cluster_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, clustering(), qi::blank_type>
        cluster_parser() : cluster_parser::base_type(clusters)
            using qi::int_;
            using qi::lit;
            using qi::double_;
            using qi::bool_;
            using qi::lexeme;
            using qi::eol;
            using qi::ascii::char_;
            using qi::on_error;
            using qi::fail;
            using namespace qi::labels;
            using boost::phoenix::construct;
            using boost::phoenix::val;

            quoted_string %= lexeme['"' > +(char_ - '"') > '"'];

            spectrum_start %=
                lit("SPEC") >
                "#" > +(char_ - "File:") >
                "File:" > quoted_string > lit(",") >
                "NativeID:" > quoted_string >
                bool_ > double_ > int_ > double_;

            cluster_start %= 
                "=Cluster=" > eol >
                "id=" > +(char_ - eol) > eol >
                spectrum_start % eol;

            clusters %= 
                "name=" > +(char_ - eol) > eol >
                eol >
                cluster_start % eol;


            //on_error<fail>(clusters, report_error(_1, _2, _3, _4));
            //on_error<fail>(cluster_start, report_error(_1, _2, _3, _4));
            //on_error<fail>(spectrum_start, report_error(_1, _2, _3, _4));
            //on_error<fail>(quoted_string, report_error(_1, _2, _3, _4));

            // on_success(cluster_start, quantify_cluster(_1, _2, _3, _4)); ??

        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::blank_type> quoted_string;
        qi::rule<Iterator, cluster(), qi::blank_type> cluster_start;
        qi::rule<Iterator, spectrum(), qi::blank_type> spectrum_start;
        qi::rule<Iterator, clustering(), qi::blank_type> clusters;

int main()
    using namespace model;

    cluster_parser<boost::spirit::istream_iterator> g; // Our grammar
    string str;
    //std::ifstream input("c:/test/Mo_tai.clustering");
    std::istringstream input("name=GreedyClustering_0.99\n"
"SPEC\t#file=w:\\test\\Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f4.mgf#id=index=219#title=Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f4.1254.1254.2 File:\"Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f4.raw\", NativeID:\"controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=1254\"\ttrue\t\t300.1374\t2\t\t\t0.0\n"
"SPEC\t#file=w:\\test\\Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.mgf#id=index=560#title=Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.1666.1666.3 File:\"Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.raw\", NativeID:\"controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=1666\"\ttrue\t\t300.14413\t3\t\t\t0.0\n"
"SPEC\t#file=w:\\test\\Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.mgf#id=index=520#title=Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.1621.1621.3 File:\"Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.raw\", NativeID:\"controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=1621\"\ttrue\t\t300.14197\t3\t\t\t0.0\n"
"SPEC\t#file=w:\\test\\Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f2.mgf#id=index=7171#title=Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f2.12729.12729.2 File:\"Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f2.raw\", NativeID:\"controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=12729\"\ttrue\t\t300.15695\t2\t\t\t0.0");
    boost::spirit::istream_iterator begin(input);
    boost::spirit::istream_iterator end;

    clustering clusteringResults;
    bool r = phrase_parse(begin, end, g, qi::blank, clusteringResults);

    if (r && begin == end)
        cout << "Parsing succeeded (" << clusteringResults.clusters.size() << " clusters)\n";

        /*for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min((size_t)10, clusteringResults.clusters.size()); ++i)
            cluster& c = clusteringResults.clusters[i];
            cout << "Cluster " << c.id << " - avg. precursor m/z: " << c.avgPrecursorMz << ", num. spectra: " << c.spectra.size() << endl;
        return 1;
        std::cout << "Parsing failed (" << clusteringResults.clusters.size() << " clusters)\n";

        if (!clusteringResults.clusters.empty())
            cluster& c = clusteringResults.clusters.back();
            cout << "Last cluster parsed " << c.id << ", num. spectra: " << c.spectra.size() << endl;
        return 1;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)





注意:您可能会遇到一个假定的错误,该错误无法正确清除回溯缓冲区;您可能需要检查此问题并采取此答案中所述的预防措施:Boost spirit memory leak使用flush_multi_pass

<强> Live Demo

#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>

namespace model
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace px = boost::phoenix;

    struct spectrum {
        std::string comment;
        std::string file;
        std::string nativeId;
        double      precursorMz;
        int         precursorCharge;
        double      precursorIntensity;

    struct cluster {
        std::string           id;
        std::vector<spectrum> spectra;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(model::spectrum, comment, file, nativeId, precursorMz, precursorCharge, precursorIntensity)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(model::cluster, id, spectra)

namespace model
    template <typename Iterator>
    struct cluster_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator>
        cluster_parser(std::function<void(std::string const&, model::cluster const&)> handler) 
            :   cluster_parser::base_type(start),
            using namespace qi;

            quoted_string %= lexeme['"' > +(char_ - '"') > '"'];

            spectrum_start %=
                lit("SPEC") >
                "#" > +(char_ - "File:") >
                "File:" > quoted_string > lit(",") >
                "NativeID:" > quoted_string >
                bool_ > double_ > int_ > double_;

            cluster_start %= 
                "=Cluster=" > eol >
                "id=" > +(char_ - eol) > eol >
                spectrum_start % eol;

            clusters %= 
                "name=" > qi::as_string[ +(char_ - eol) ][ name_ = _1 ] > eol > eol >
                cluster_start [ submit_(name_, _1) ] % eol;

            start = skip(blank) [clusters];

        qi::_a_type name_;
        px::function<std::function<void(std::string const&, model::cluster const&)> > submit_;

        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), qi::blank_type> quoted_string;
        qi::rule<Iterator, cluster(), qi::blank_type> cluster_start;
        qi::rule<Iterator, spectrum(), qi::blank_type> spectrum_start;
        qi::rule<Iterator, qi::locals<std::string>, qi::blank_type> clusters;
        qi::rule<Iterator> start;

int main()
    using namespace model;

    cluster_parser<boost::spirit::istream_iterator> g([&](auto const&...){std::cout << "handled\n";}); // Our grammar
    std::string str;
    //std::ifstream input("c:/test/Mo_tai.clustering");

    std::istringstream input(R"(name=GreedyClustering_0.99

SPEC    #file=w:\test\Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f4.mgf#id=index=219#title=Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f4.1254.1254.2 File:"Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f4.raw", NativeID:"controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=1254"   true        300.1374    2           0.0
SPEC    #file=w:\test\Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.mgf#id=index=560#title=Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.1666.1666.3 File:"Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.raw", NativeID:"controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=1666"   true        300.14413   3           0.0
SPEC    #file=w:\test\Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.mgf#id=index=520#title=Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.1621.1621.3 File:"Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f9.raw", NativeID:"controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=1621"   true        300.14197   3           0.0
SPEC    #file=w:\test\Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f2.mgf#id=index=7171#title=Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f2.12729.12729.2 File:"Mo_Tai_iTRAQ_f2.raw", NativeID:"controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=12729"   true        300.15695   2           0.0)");
    boost::spirit::istream_iterator begin(input);
    boost::spirit::istream_iterator end;

    bool r = phrase_parse(begin, end, g, qi::blank);

    if (r && begin == end) {
        std::cout << "Parsing succeeded\n";
    else {
        std::cout << "Parsing failed\n";

    if (begin!=end) {
        std::cout << "Unparsed remaining input: '" << std::string(begin, end) << "\n";

    return (r && begin==end)? 0 : 1;


Parsing succeeded




请注意,submit方法将lambda发布到服务。 lambda 按值捕获,因为参数的生命周期应该在处理过程中延伸。

<强> Live On Coliru

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
namespace ba = boost::asio;

struct Processing {
    Processing() {
        for (unsigned i=0; i < boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); ++i)
            _threads.create_thread([this] { _svc.run(); });

    ~Processing() {

    void submit(std::string const& name, model::cluster const& cluster) {
        _svc.post([=] { do_processing(name, cluster); });

    void do_processing(std::string const& name, model::cluster const& cluster) {
        std::cout << "Thread " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << ": " << name << " cluster of " << cluster.spectra.size() << " spectra\n";

    ba::io_service _svc;
    boost::optional<ba::io_service::work> _work = ba::io_service::work(_svc);
    boost::thread_group _threads;

[... snip ...]并在main中:

Processing processing;
auto handler = [&processing](auto&... args) { processing.submit(args...); };

cluster_parser<boost::spirit::istream_iterator> g(handler); // Our grammar


Thread 7f0144a5b700: GreedyClustering_0.99 cluster of 1 spectra
Thread 7f014425a700: GreedyClustering_0.99 cluster of 2 spectra
Parsing succeeded
Thread 7f0143a59700: GreedyClustering_0.99 cluster of 1 spectra