我可以使用组合来做到这一点。 如果他们在同一个地方,皇后区不会稳定(受到攻击):
n * P(n,2)
种方式n * P(n,2)
种方式2 * ( P(n,2) + P(n-1,2) + ... + P(2,2)) + 2 * (P(n-1,2) + ... + P(2,2))
class Main
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
int n = 8;
int arr[][] = new int[n][n];
long x = 0;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
for (int j=0;j<n;j++){
x += Math.min(n-1-i, n-1-j) + Math.min(i, j) + Math.min(n-1-i,j) + Math.min(i,n-1-j);
x+= 2*n -2;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
好吧,n * n
All: n * n * (n * n - 1) / 2
Stable: n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) * (3 * n - 1) / 6
Unstable: n * (5 * n - 1) * (n - 1) / 3
位置。 (有关详细信息,请参阅https://oeis.org/A036464)。小n
n all unstable stable
1 0 = 0 + 0
2 6 = 6 + 0
3 36 = 28 + 8
4 120 = 76 + 44
5 300 = 160 + 140
6 630 = 290 + 340
7 1176 = 476 + 700
8 2016 = 728 + 1288
9 3240 = 1056 + 2184
10 4950 = 1470 + 3480
private static long unstableCount(long n) {
return n * (5 * n - 1) * (n - 1) / 3;
All = O(n**4)
Stable = O(n**4)
Unstable = O(n**3) // just cube
如果皇后可辨别(例如你有白和红色皇后),你所要做的就是 multiply 2
private static long unstableDistinguishableCount(long n) {
return n * (5 * n - 1) * (n - 1) / 3 * 2;
private static long unstableCountNaive(int n) {
long result = 0;
for (int file1 = 0; file1 < n; ++file1)
for (int rank1 = 0; rank1 < n; ++rank1)
for (int file2 = file1; file2 < n; ++file2)
for (int rank2 = file1 == file2 ? rank1 + 1 : 0; rank2 < n; ++rank2)
if ((file1 == file2) || // Same file
(rank1 == rank2) || // Same rank
(file1 + rank1 == file2 + rank2) || // Same top-left bottom-right diagonal
(file1 - rank1 == file2 - rank2)) // Same bottom-left top-right diagonal
result += 1;
return result;
编辑2 :如果我的想法正确,您可以计算对角线攻击然后使用对称性:
private static long unstableCountBetter(int n) {
long result = 0;
// Attacked by top-left bottom-right diagonal
for (int rank = 0; rank < n; ++rank)
for (int file = 0; file < n; ++file)
result +=
(rank + file >= n ? 2 * n - 2 - (rank + file) : rank + file);
result =
// symmetry: we have TWO diagonals
result * 2 +
// At each postion (n * n of them) we have n - 1 checks on the same rank
n * n * (n - 1) +
// At each postion (n * n of them) we have n - 1 checks on the same file
n * n * (n - 1);
// /2 if queens are indistiguished (728 for 8x8 board)
return result / 2;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
由于你写道,有2种女王在3 * 3棋盘上交叉的方式有56种,你可以将两个女王视为不同,即。订购。例如。这两块板不同:
CREATE TABLE test_change (a int, b int, c int);
ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a string b b doube c c decimal(11,2);
所以,你的问题的答案是n * n板的简单公式:
..q ..Q
.Q. .q.
... ...