
时间:2017-01-08 16:55:43

标签: google-cloud-platform google-compute-engine load-balancing google-cloud-network-load-balancer google-cloud-http-load-balancer

GCP提供两种负载均衡器,即网络 HTTP ,其中前者适用于第4层,后者适用于第7层


基于工作流程设置区域/区域会话亲和力<的选项,它们之间有何区别? / strong>,和其他设置?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)


|       Category      |       Network Load Balancing (NLB)       |             HTTP(S) Load Balancing (HLB)             |
|     1. Region /     | NLB supports only within a region.       | HLB supports both within cross-region                |
|     Cross-Region    | Does not support cross-region            | load balancing.                                      |
|                     | load balancing                           |                                                      |
|  2. Load balancing  | NLB is based on IP address, port         | HLB is based only on HTTP and HTTPS                  |
|       based on      | and protocol type. Any TCP/UDP           | protocols.                                           |
|                     | traffic, even SMTP can be                |                                                      |
|                     | load balanced.                           |                                                      |
|      3. Packet      | Packet inspection is possible and        | HLB cannot inspect packets.                          |
|      inspection     | load balance based on packets            |                                                      |
|     4. Instance     | No need of creating instance group.      | Managed / UnManaged Instance group                   |
|         Group       | Target pools need to be created.         | is necessary for creating HTTP / HTTPS               |
|                     | Instance can be just tagged to the pool. | load balancer.                                       |
|                     | Ideal for unmanaged instance group       |                                                      |
|                     | where instances are non homogeneous.     |                                                      |
|     5. Workflow     | Forwarding rules is the starting point.  | This is quite complex in HTTP(s) load balancer.      |
|                     | It directs the request to the            | Global forwarding rulesroutes direct the request     |
|                     | target pools from which compute          | to target HTTP proxy, which in turn checks the       |
|                     | engines will pick the request.           | URL map to determine appropriate backend             |
|                     |                                          | services.  These services in turn direct the request |
|                     | Forwarding rules -> target pool          | to the instance group.                               |
|                     |  -> instances                            |                                                      |
|                     |                                          |                                                      |
|                     |                                          | Global forwarding rules -> Target HTTP proxy ->      |
|                     |                                          | URL map -> Backend Sevices -> instance group         |
|     6. Types of     | Basic network load balancer which        | 1. Cross-region load balancer uses only one          |
|    load balancer    | directs the request based on IP address, | global IP address and routes the request             |
|                     | port and the protocol within the region. | to the nearest region.                               |
|                     |                                          |                                                      |
|                     |                                          | 2. Content-based load balancer is based              |
|                     |                                          | on the URL path. Different path rules need           |
|                     |                                          | different backend services. for eg: /video           |
|                     |                                          | and /static require two separate backend services.   |
| 7. Session affinity | Session affinity can be set, but only    | 1. Client IP Affinity: This directs the same         |
|                     | during the creation of target pool.      | client ip to same backend instance by                |
|                     | Once it is set, the value                | computing hash of the IP.                            |
|                     | cannot be changed.                       | 2. Generated Cookie Affinity: Load balancer stores   |
|                     |                                          | cookie in clients and directs the same client to     |
|                     |                                          | same instance with the help of retrieved cookie.     |
|   8. Health check   | Health check is optional, but network    | Health can be verified by either using HTTP          |
|                     | load balancing relies on HTTP Health     | heath check or HTTPS health check.                   |
|                     | checks for determining instance health.  |                                                      |


以下link有关在 GCP中设置 HTTP负载均衡器的说明。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

此外,我想提一下在3 main aspects中选择GCP中正确的负载均衡器(LB):



答案 2 :(得分:0)


网络负载平衡器(第4层): 这是基于网络变量(例如IP地址和目标端口)的流量分配。它是第4层(TCP)及以下的层,并且不旨在考虑应用程序层的任何内容,例如内容类型,cookie数据,自定义标头,用户位置或应用程序行为。它是无上下文的,仅关心以这种方式定向的数据包中包含的网络层信息。

应用程序负载平衡器(第7层) 这是从网络层到应用程序层的基于多个变量的请求分布。它是上下文感知的,可以像基于变量的组合一样轻松地基于任何单个变量定向请求。应用程序是基于应用程序的特殊行为进行负载平衡的,而不仅仅是基于服务器(操作系统或虚拟化层)信息。它能够基于规则,基于主机或基于路径来路由HTTP和HTTPS流量。就像NLB一样,每个目标可以位于不同的端口上。

两者之间的另一个区别很重要,因为网络负载平衡无法确保应用程序的可用性。这是因为它的决策仅基于网络和TCP层变量,而根本不了解应用程序。通常,网络负载平衡器将根据服务器响应ICMP ping或正确完成三向TCP握手的能力来确定“可用性”。应用程序负载平衡器更加深入,不仅可以基于特定页面的成功HTTP GET来确定可用性,还可以基于输入参数来验证内容是否符合预期。
