
时间:2017-01-06 23:24:49

标签: c# linq


我可以包含我的Zip类,但我认为唯一需要注意的是它包含一个名为LatLong的{​​{1}}项,它包含纬度和经度坐标。 Location接受Haversine()个项目并做一些神奇的事情来返回双倍。



但是,我想把它写成尽可能高效(我实际上并不是100%确定应用程序将会是什么),所以(我相信)我想使用LINQ。< / p>


//don't judge me... I'm still working on a better solution here
private static readonly KeyValuePair<Zip, double> init = new KeyValuePair<Zip, double>(null, 9999);
private static readonly List<KeyValuePair<Zip, double>> workstack = new List<KeyValuePair<Zip, double>>
       init, init, init, init, init

private static KeyValuePair<Zip, double>[] FindClosest(Zip myZip)
    var closestList = workstack.ToArray(); //I said don't judge me :(
    //fwiw ^ is actually faster than initializing a new array each cycle

    foreach (var zip in ZipCodes.Where(x => x != myZip))
        //Haversine magic returns distance (double) in km
        var dist = Haversine(myZip.Location, zip.Location);
        //If everything else is smaller, just skip it
        if (closestList.All(x => x.Value < dist)) continue;
        closestList = closestList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToArray();
        closestList[0] = new KeyValuePair<Zip, double>(zip, dist);

    return closestList;

然后我使用//the Skip(1) is to skip the first element, which would be the distance between the zipcode and itself var closest = ZipCodes.Select(x => new KeyValuePair<Zip, double> (x, Haversine(myZip.Location, x.Location))).OrderBy (x => x.Value).Skip(1).Take(5).ToArray(); 计算两个函数来处理500个Stopwatch项,并发现使用LINQ方法平均花费 11.25s ,而我原来的foreach方法平均只有 8s (LINQ 每500件物品3.25秒)。

同样,我对LINQ知之甚少,但总是让我相信它更快。在这种情况下,我可以看出它为什么不是 - 我正在尝试对33,000个项目的完整列表进行排序。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


private static SortedList<double, Zip> FindClosest(Zip myZip)
    var closestZips = new SortedList<double, Zip>();
    List<Zip> ZipCodes = new List<Zip>();
    foreach (var zip in ZipCodes.Where(x => x != myZip))
        //Haversine magic returns distance (double) in km
        double dist = Haversine(myZip.Location, zip.Location);
        //If everything else is smaller, just skip it
        if (closestZips.Count < 5)
            closestZips.Add(dist, zip);
        else if (dist < closestZips.Keys[4])
            closestZips.Add(dist, zip);

    return closestZips;





using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

private static Object thisLock = new Object();
private static SortedList<double, Zip> FindClosest2(Zip myZip)

    var closestZips = new SortedList<double, Zip>();
    Parallel.ForEach(ZipCodes, (zip) =>
         //Haversine magic returns distance (double) in km
         double dist = Haversine(myZip.Location, zip.Location);
         if (closestZips.Count() < 6)
                 closestZips.Add(dist, zip);

         else if (dist < closestZips.Keys[4])
                 closestZips.Add(dist, zip);


    return closestZips;


public static class Haversine
    public static double calculate(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
        var R = 6372.8; // In kilometers
        var dLat = toRadians(lat2 - lat1);
        var dLon = toRadians(lon2 - lon1);
        lat1 = toRadians(lat1);
        lat2 = toRadians(lat2);

        var a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2);
        var c = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(a));
        return R * 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(a));
    public static double calculate(Coords a, Coords b)
        return calculate(a.lat, a.lng, b.lat, b.lng);
    public static double toRadians(double angle)
        return Math.PI * angle / 180.0;

答案 1 :(得分:1)



var dist = SimpleDistance(myZip.Location, zip.Location); 

double  SimpleDistance(Zip a, Zip b)
   double dLat = a.Lat - b.Lat;
   double dLon = a.Lon - b.Lon;
   dLon = dLon / 2;  // Lat Lon use different degrees
   return dLon * dLon  + dLat * dLat; 


答案 2 :(得分:0)


class ZipDist
    public Zip Zip;
    public double Distance;

ZipDist[] FindCLosest2(Zip myZip)
    return (from zip in ZipCodes
            where zip != myZip
            let dist =  Haversine(myZip.Location, zip.Location)
            orderby dist ascending
            select new ZipDist { Zip = zip, Distance =dist}).Take(5).ToArray();

答案 3 :(得分:0)

这应该比你的方法快一点(排序算法效率更高一些)。 (我不能肯定地说,因为我没有你使用的数据结构)

public class FixedSortedArray<T>
    where T : new()
    T[] _array;

    IComparer<T> _comparer;

    int _unused;

    public FixedSortedArray(int size, IComparer<T> cmp = null)
        _array = new T[size];
        _comparer = cmp ?? Comparer<T>.Default;
        _unused = size;

    public bool Add(T item)
        if (_unused > 0)
            var pos = _unused-1;
            for (int i = _unused; i < _array.Length; ++i)
                var cmp = _comparer.Compare(item, _array[i]);
                if (cmp < 0)
                    _array[i-1] = _array[i];
                    pos = i-1;
            _array[pos] = item;

            var cmp = _comparer.Compare(item, _array[0]);
            if (cmp < 0)
                int pos = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < _array.Length; ++i)
                    cmp = _comparer.Compare(item, _array[i]);
                    if (cmp < 0)
                        _array[i - 1] = _array[i];
                        pos = i;
                if (pos >= 0)
                    _array[pos] = item;

        return true;

    public T[] GetArray()
        return _array;


class ZipDist
    public Zip Zip;
    public double Distance;

class ZipDistCOmparer : IComparer<ZipDist>
    public int Compare(ZipDist lhs, ZipDist rhs)
        return lhs.Distance.CompareTo(rhs.Distance);
private static ZipDist[] FindClosest(Zip myZip)
    var closestList = new FixedSortedArray<ZipDist>(5, new ZipDistCOmparer());

    foreach (var zip in ZipCodes.Where(x => x != myZip))
        //Haversine magic returns distance (double) in km
        var dist = Haversine(myZip.Location, zip.Location);
        closestList.Add(new ZipDist { Zip = zip, Distance = dist});

    return closestList.GetArray();

// Stuff I needed to add to get it to compile
public class Zip
    public string Location;

static public Zip[] ZipCodes;

static double Haversine(string lhs, string rhs) { return 0.0; }