答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
课程。其中存储了一些信息 - 他拥有的金额,待开的箱子以及他将要找到的箱子中的金币总量。
public class Player
private int gold = 0;
private int goldLeftInChests = 85000000;
private int chestsToOpen = 10000;
private Random random = new Random();
public void OpenChest()
if (chestsToOpen == 0)
return; // or whatever you want after 10000 chests.
int goldInChest = CalculateGoldInNextChest();
goldLeftInChests -= goldInChest;
gold += goldInChest;
private int CalculateGoldInNextChest()
if (chestsToOpen == 1)
return goldLeftInChests;
var average = goldLeftInChests / chestsToOpen;
return random.Next(average);
当下一个胸部被打开时,计算胸部的金币并调整玩家数据 - 我们向玩家添加一些金币并减少胸部的金币总量,然后将箱子打开。
更新:正如@Hans指出的那样,我没有计算箱子里金币的最小和最大限制。在@Hans解决方案中也存在一个问题 - 您应该在10000个箱子之间移动黄金很多时间以获得接近250000值的一些箱子。而且你必须填写并保留所有10000个值。我想到的下一个问题是.NET中的随机数字分布。值在我们使用的所有间隔上具有相等的概率。因此,如果我们从2500到250000产生价值,那么我们将获得8500(平均值)的价值的机会就像是12000(8500±6000)对比235500(250000-12000-2500)。这意味着从给定范围生成默认随机数将在开始时为您提供大量数字,然后您将保持在最低边界附近(2500)。所以你需要具有不同分布的随机数 - Gaussian variables。我们仍然希望8500金具有最高概率,而250000具有最低概率。这样的事情:
最后一部分 - 计算。我们只需要更新一种方法:)
private int CalculateGoldInNextChest()
const int mean = 8500;
var goldPerChestRange = new Range(2500, 250000);
var averageRange = new Range(mean - 2500, mean + 2500);
if (chestsToOpen == 1)
return goldLeftInChests;
int goldInChest = (int)random.NextGaussian(mu: mean, sigma: 50000);
int averageLeft = (goldLeftInChests - goldInChest) / (chestsToOpen - 1);
if (goldPerChestRange.Contains(goldInChest) && averageRange.Contains(averageLeft))
return goldInChest;
while (true);
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Random rand = new Random();
int[] chests = new int[numOffChests];
int remaining = TotalValue;
for(int i = 0; i < numOffChests; i++)
int minB = Math.Max(remaining / (numOffChests - i), maxChestValue);
int maxB = Math.Min(remaining - (numOffChests - i * minChestValue), maxChestValue);
int val = rand.Next(minB, maxB);
remaining -= val;
chests[i] = val;
答案 3 :(得分:0)
-2,500 = exp(b)+c
250,000 = exp(a+b)+c
8,500 = integral(exp(a*u+b), u=0..1)
= exp(b)/a*(exp(a)-1)+c
= 252,500/a+c
250,000+2,500*exp(a) = c*(1-exp(a))
8,500 = 252,500/a+c
a = 22.954545,
b = -10.515379,
c = -2500.00002711621
答案 4 :(得分:0)
我假设概率函数给出了赢/输值V出现的机会。假设V的概率与(250000-V)** 2成正比,从而获得较高奖励的机会较少。
int minwin = -2500 ;
int maxwin = 250000;
int chestcount = 10000;
int maxamount = 85000;
// ----------- get probabilities for each win/lose amount to occur in all chests ----------
long probtotal = 0 ;
List<long> prob = new List<long> ;
for (long i=minwin;i<=maxwin;i++) if (i%100==0)
{ long ii=(maxwin-i)*(maxwin-i) ; prob.Add((float)ii) ; probtotal+=ii ; }
for (int i=0;i<prob.Count;i++) prob[i]=prob[i]/(probtotal) ;
for (int i=0;i<prob.Count;i++)
Console.writeLine("Win/lose amount"+((i-minwin)*100).ToString()+" probability="+(proba[i]*100).ToString("0.000")) ;
// Transform "prob" so as to indicate the float count of chest corresponding to each win/lose amount
for (int i=0;i<prob.Count;i++) prob[i]=prob[i]*chestcount ;
// ---------- Set the 10000 chest values starting from the highest win -------------
int chestindex=0 ;
List<int> chestvalues = new List<int>();
float remainder = 0 ;
int totalwin=0 ;
for (int i=0;i<prob.Count;i++)
int n = (int)(prob[i]+remainder) ; // only the integer part of the float ;
remainder = prob[i]+remainder-n ;
// set to n chests the win/lose amount
int curwin=(i-minwin)*100 ;
for (int j=0;j<n && chestvalues.count<chestcount;j++) chestvalues.Add(curwin) ;
totalwin+=curwin ;
// if stvalues.count lower than chestcount, create missing chestvalues
for (int i=chestvalues.Count;i<chestcount;i++) chestvalues.Add(0) ;
// --------------- due to float computations, we perhaps want to make some adjustments --------------
// i.e. if totalwin>maxamount (not sure if it may happen), decrease some chestvalues
// --------------- We have now a list of 10000 chest values to be randomly sorted --------------
Random rnd = new Random();
SortedList<int,int> randomchestvalues = new SortedList<int,int>() ;
for (int i=0;i<chestcount;i++) randomchestvalues.Add(rnd.Next(0,99999999),chestvalues[i]) ;
// display the first chests amounts
for (int i=0;i<chestcount;i++) if (i<234)
{ int chestamount = randomchestvalues.GetByIndex(i) ; Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()+":"+chestamount) ; }