使用Google Drive Android API更新SQLite数据库

时间:2017-01-02 15:51:01

标签: android android-sqlite google-drive-android-api

在Stack Overflow上使用Google Drive API for Android和一些答案,我已设法在我的应用中实施Google登录,并将存储在用户设备上的SQLite数据库备份到Google云端硬盘。

供参考,以下是我将数据库保存到Google云端硬盘的方法(这是在名为final class的{​​{1}}中完成的:




例如,我可以从表A中删除3行,然后在本地向表B添加5行(到设备的SQLite数据库),但如何通过此更改更新Google Drive版本?

我考虑过删除整个云端硬盘文件并重新上传,但根据我的理解,这会导致该文件的private static final String LOG_TAG = "DriveDbHandler"; private static final String PACKAGE_NAME = "com.package.example"; private static final String DATABASE_PATH = "/data/data/" + PACKAGE_NAME + "/databases/" + DbHelper.DATABASE_NAME; private static final String FILE_NAME = DbHelper.DATABASE_NAME; private static final String MIME_TYPE = "application/x-sqlite-3"; private DriveDbHandler() { } public static void tryCreatingDbOnDrive(final GoogleApiClient googleApiClient) { // We need to check if the database already exists on Google Drive. If so, we won't create // it again. Query query = new Query.Builder() .addFilter(Filters.and( Filters.eq(SearchableField.TITLE, FILE_NAME), Filters.eq(SearchableField.MIME_TYPE, MIME_TYPE))) .build(); DriveFolder appFolder = Drive.DriveApi.getAppFolder(googleApiClient); appFolder.queryChildren(googleApiClient, query).setResultCallback( new ResultCallback<DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult metadataBufferResult) { if (!metadataBufferResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Query for " + FILE_NAME + " unsuccessful!"); return; } int count = metadataBufferResult.getMetadataBuffer().getCount(); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Successfully ran query for " + FILE_NAME + " and found " + count + " results"); if (count > 1) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "App folder contains more than one database file! " + "Found " + count + " matching results."); return; } // Create the database on Google Drive if it doesn't exist already if (count == 0) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "No existing database found on Google Drive"); saveToDrive(googleApiClient); } } }); } private static void saveToDrive(final GoogleApiClient googleApiClient) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Starting to save to drive..."); // Create content from file Drive.DriveApi.newDriveContents(googleApiClient).setResultCallback( new ResultCallback<DriveApi.DriveContentsResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull DriveApi.DriveContentsResult driveContentsResult) { if (!driveContentsResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Drive contents result not a success! " + "Not saving data to drive."); return; } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Created drive contents for file"); createNewFile(googleApiClient, driveContentsResult.getDriveContents()); } }); } private static void createNewFile(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient, DriveContents driveContents) { // Write file to contents (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/33610727/4230345) File file = new File(DATABASE_PATH); OutputStream outputStream = driveContents.getOutputStream(); try { InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int c; while ((c = inputStream.read(buf, 0, buf.length)) > 0) { outputStream.write(buf, 0, c); outputStream.flush(); } outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Written file to output stream of drive contents"); // Create metadata MetadataChangeSet metadataChangeSet = new MetadataChangeSet.Builder() .setTitle(FILE_NAME) .setMimeType(MIME_TYPE) .build(); // Create the file on Google Drive DriveFolder folder = Drive.DriveApi.getAppFolder(googleApiClient); folder.createFile(googleApiClient, metadataChangeSet, driveContents).setResultCallback( new ResultCallback<DriveFolder.DriveFileResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull DriveFolder.DriveFileResult driveFileResult) { if (!driveFileResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "File did not get created in Google Drive!"); return; } Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Successfully created file in Google Drive"); } }); } 不同。

我想知道我是否能够利用API的修改处理(解释here),如果设备没有互联网连接,则更改排队等待上传。< / p>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

根据this answer,Google云端硬盘的Android API已经为您处理差异计算。所以没有必要做任何复杂的事情,只需使用API​​,就好像你完全重写了那个文件一样。
