
时间:2016-12-29 21:06:43

标签: scala


val futures2:List[Future[Int]] = List(Future{1}, Future{2},Future{throw new Exception("error")})

问题 1)我想等待每个未来完成 2)我想从每个成功的未来收集返回值的总和,并忽略失败的那些(所以我应该得到3)。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




val futureList = List(
  Future(throw new Exception("error"))

// addd 1 to futures
// map will propagate errors to transformed futures
// only successful futures will result in +1, rest will stay with errors
val tranformedFutureList = futureList
  .map(future => future.map(i => i + 1))

// print values of futures
// simimlar to map... for each will work only with successful futures
val unitFutureList = futureList
  .map(future => future.foreach(i => println(i)))

// now lets give you sum of your "future" values
val sumFuture = futureList
  .foldLeft(Future(0))((facc, f) => f.onComplete({
    case Success(i) => facc.map(acc => acc + i)
    case Failure(ex) => facc

自从OP(@Manu Chanda)询问"得到"来自Promise的值,我正在添加一些关于Scala中Promise的内容。


如果您看到Future[Int],请尝试将其视为an ongoing computation,这是"应该生成" Int。现在计算可以successfully complete并产生Success[Int]throw an exception并产生Failure[Throwable]。因此,您可以看到onCompleterecoverWithonFailure等功能,这些功能似乎在讨论计算。

val intFuture = Future {
  // all this inside Future {} is going to run in some other thread
  val i = 5;
  val j = i + 10;
  val k = j / 5;


嗯......正如名称所示...... Promise[Int]Int价值的承诺......仅此而已。



所以...基本上Promise包裹Future内部。那"wrapped" Future"价值"可以视为Promise的值。


println("Well... The program wants an 'Int' toy")

// we "promised" our program that we will give it that int "toy"
val intPromise = Promise[Int]()

// now we can just move on with or life
println("Well... We just promised an 'Int' toy")

// while the program can make plans with how will it play with that "future toy"

val intFuture = intPromise.future
val plusOneIntFuture = intFuture.map(i => i + 1)

  case Success(i) => println("Wow... I got the toy and modified it to - " + i)
  case Failure(ex) => println("I did not get they toy")

// but since we at least want to try to complete our promise
println("Now... I suppose we need to get that 'Int' toy")
println("But... I am busy... I can not stop everything else for that toy")
println("ok... lets ask another thread to get that")

val getThatIntFuture = Future {
  println("Well... I am thread 2... trying to get the int")
  val i = 1
  println("Well... I am thread 2... lets just return this i = 1 thingy")

// now lets complete our promise with whatever we will get from this other thread
getThatIntFuture.onComplete(intTry => intPromise.complete(intTry))


Well... The program wants an 'Int' toy
Well... We just promised an 'Int' toy
Now... I suppose we need to get that 'Int' toy
But... I am busy... I can not stop everything else for that toy
Well... I am thread 2... trying to get the int
Well... I am thread 2... lets just return this i = 1 thingy
Wow... I got the toy and modified it to - 2
