
时间:2016-12-28 15:56:33

标签: r networking visualization igraph


我有一个定向网络,具有不同的节点属性和边缘属性。一些节点具有完全相同的连接。所以我想合并/合并/收缩它们。我希望这样的东西,即所谓的嵌套网络,但最好带箭头。 http://manual.cytoscape.org/en/stable/Nested_Networks.html


line = line.Replace("\0", "");

选项1: library(igraph) library(dplyr) library(RedeR) net <- graph_from_data_frame(data.frame( from = c("a", "a", "a", "b", "c", "d"), to = c("b", "c", "d", "e", "e", "e"), type = c("activation","activation","activation", "inhibition","inhibition","inhibition") ), directed = T) V(net)$color <- c("grey", "forestgreen", "firebrick", "navyblue", "grey") plot(net, layout = layout_as_tree) # as you can see, colored nodes, `b,c,d`, are equally connected by `a` and `e`.


选项1可能看起来不错。可以保留边缘属性。但是当合并节点的数量,这里即。 {4}大于{4},pie.shaped节点实际上不可读。此外,它们之间可能还存在内部联系,这些内部联系无法实现。

选项2:net.c <- contract(net, c(1,2,2,2,3), vertex.attr.comb = toString) # net.c <- simplify(net.c, remove.multiple = T, remove.loops = T, edge.attr.comb = "sum") # somehow sometimes `simplify` crashed my R, so I did this instead. net.c <- igraph::as_data_frame(net.c) %>% unique %>% graph_from_data_frame(., directed = T) # this kept edge attributes while lost vertex color, which is understandable. # i recreated node color, using pie.shape plot(net.c, vertex.shape = c("circle", "pie", "circle"), vertex.pie = list(c(1,1,1)), vertex.pie.color = list(c("forestgreen", "firebrick", "navyblue")) )


RedeR::nestNodes包含在一个圆圈中,这非常好。但在rdp <- RedPort() calld(rdp) resetd(rdp) addGraph(rdp, net, parent="a") nestNodes(rdp, nodes = c("b", "c", "d"), nestImage = "plain", isAssign = F, gscale = 25) mergeOutEdges(rdp) 之后,容器外的箭头将被删除。一件微不足道的事情是我无法弄清楚如何删除容器标签 N0 ,因为参数b,c,d似乎不起作用。

这是我能找到的两个选项。 有什么建议我可以从这里改进吗? 谢谢。

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