我一直在开发一个类库,它在某种程度上具有一个表单,该表单生成一个按钮的“网格”,每个按钮的顶部都有一个标签。这些按钮的生成都是通过代码动态完成的。按钮被格式化,因此它们都以“矩阵式”对齐并添加到面板中。在每个按钮内部,我有一个文本值(“1”到“5”)。沿顶部运行的标题标签具有分析年份文本(类似于“01”到“60”或“001”到“100”,具体取决于用户指定的分析年数 - 我匹配数字,以便这一切都很好地对齐)。输出看起来像这样:
我知道Windows窗体在处理分辨率和调整控件大小方面非常糟糕,但我无法理解为什么只有在部署后才会发生这种情况。也许我从主应用程序继承了一些字体大小 - 但我不明白为什么会覆盖代码中的显式字体集?
Private Const PAD = 15 '//Spacing around controls
Private _runningYearWidth As integer
Private _xPoints As List(Of Integer)
Private _yPoints As List(Of Integer)
Private Sub GenerateMatrix()
Dim n = _profile.ComponentProfiles.Count '//y-values
Dim m = _AnalysisPeriod '//x-values
'//Generate component labels
'//Generate year labels
_xPoints = New List(Of Integer)
_runningYearWidth = PAD
For i = 1 To m
Dim lbl As New Label
FormatYearLabel(lbl, i, i.ToString)
'//Generate matrix buttons
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To m
Dim btn As New Button
'//N.B. This function only generates the buttons and aligns them in a grid.
'//The model needs to run in order to populate these controls with values
FormatMatrixButton(btn, j, i)
End Sub
Private Readonly _yearFont = New Font("Segoe UI", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
Private Sub FormatYearLabel(l As Label, index As Integer, yearText As string)
const y = 5
Dim x = _runningYearWidth
yearText = FormatYearText(yearText) '//Returns "01" for year(1) if analysis years is 2 digits long
Dim w = GetFontWidth(_yearFont, yearText) + 2 '//+1 pixel either side
Dim h = GetFontHeight(_yearFont, yearText) + 2 '//+1 pixel either side
With l
.Font = _yearFont
.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter
.Width = w
.Height = h
.Text = yearText
.Location = New Point(x, y)
.Name = String.Format("lblYear{0}", index)
End With
_runningYearWidth += (w + PAD) '//X Co-Ord for next year-label
_xPoints.AddRange({l.left, l.right})
End Sub
Private Function GetFontWidth(f As Font, txt As String) As Integer
Dim g = panelMatrixComponents.CreateGraphics()
Return g.MeasureString(txt, f).Width
End Function
Private Readonly _matrixFont = New Font("Consolas", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
Private Sub FormatMatrixButton(b As Button, x As Integer, y As Integer)
'//Get this button's alignment points associated with the previously generated axis-labels
Dim topleft = New Point(_xPoints((x-1)*2), _yPoints((y-1)*2))
Dim bottomRight = New Point(_xPoints((x-1)*2 + 1), _yPoints((y-1)*2 + 1))
With b
.Font = _matrixFont
.Location = topleft
.Width = (bottomRight.X - topleft.X)
.Height = (bottomRight.Y - topleft.Y)
.Name = String.Format("btn{0}_{1}", x, y)
.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat
AddHandler .Click, AddressOf MatrixButton_Click
End With
End Sub
'//===============Run Model....
现在我已经做了一个快速修复,并在每个控件周围添加了一些额外的间距,当我编译库并在已部署的应用程序中运行它时它看起来很好 - 只是略大一点。