Mersenne Twister - 超出范围异常

时间:2016-12-18 01:11:36

标签: exception mersenne-twister

在Mersenne Twister的VB.NET实现中,我得到一个超出范围的异常,它会被定期抛出(下面的错误图片截图):

         Private Shared mt(312 - 1) As ULong
         Private Shared mti As ULong = 312 + 1

         Private Function genrand64_int64() As ULong
            On Error GoTo errhandler

            Dim i As Long
            Dim x As ULong
            Static mag01() As ULong = {0UL, MATRIX_A}

            If mti >= NN Then ' generate NN words at one time

                ' if init_genrand64() has not been called, 
                ' a default initial seed is used     
                If mti = NN + 1 Then
                End If

                i = 0
                Do While i < NN - MM
                    x = (mt(i) And UM) Or (mt(i + 1) And LM)
                    mt(i) = mt(i + MM) Xor (x >> 1) Xor mag01(CInt(x And 1UL))
                    i += 1
                Do While i < NN - 1
                    x = (mt(i) And UM) Or (mt(i + 1) And LM)
                    mt(i) = mt(i + (MM - NN)) Xor (x >> 1) Xor mag01(CInt(x And 1UL))
                    i += 1
                x = (mt(NN - 1) And UM) Or (mt(0) And LM)
                mt(NN - 1) = mt(MM - 1) Xor (x >> 1) Xor mag01(CInt(x And 1UL))

                mti = 0
            End If

            x = mt(mti)   '<<<<<<<<<<<HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            mti += 1

            x = x Xor (x >> 29) And &H5555555555555555UL
            x = x Xor (x << 17) And &H71D67FFFEDA60000UL
            x = x Xor (x << 37) And &HFFF7EEE000000000UL
            x = x Xor (x >> 43)

            Return x
         End Function


enter image description here

请注意,mt()向量使用312个元素检出OK,并且在异常期间,mti = 42,86或212的索引值,在312的范围内.x的值是否太大?< / p>


   Sub init_genrand64(ByVal seed As ULong)
     mt(0) = seed
     For mti = 1 To NN - 1
       mt(mti) = (6364136223846793005UL * (mt(mti - 1) Xor (mt(mti - 1) >> 62)) + mti)
     Next mti
   End Sub

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