MySQL For具有特定值的每个条件

时间:2016-12-16 14:33:42

标签: mysql stored-procedures cursor


CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `temp`(IN u_id int)

#below query will give me all the u_id values that i need to use(ex : 2,8,9) 
Declare cur cursor for select r_id from temp.usr_rl where u_id in (u_id);

#below i would like to use the u_id values and run the below procedure in a loop for each value in u_id
open cur;
   fetch cur into a;
    if not done then
      call get_r(a);
    end if;
until done end repeat;    

close cur;

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由于您使用游标处理每条记录并调用另一个过程,因此会导致性能大幅下降。因此,你实际上是效果加倍。相反,使用下面的Temporary Table获取并存储CTAS中的所有值,并从您的过程call get_r中访问该临时表,以便进行进一步的处理。

create temporary table myTemp 
as select r_id from temp.usr_rl where u_id = u_id;