
时间:2016-12-11 14:03:43

标签: javascript promise q


 function fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset, savedCount, totalCount) {
  offset = offset || 1;
  savedCount = savedCount || 0;
  totalCount = totalCount || 0;
  return processQueue(client, item, offset, region).then(function (result) {
    return associate(result, item, region)
  }).then(function (success) {
    return saveBatch(item, success.allResources, region);
  }).then(function (result) {
    savedCount += result.savedCount;
    totalCount += result.totalCount;
    if (debugmode) {
      console.log(savedCount + '/' + totalCount);
    offset += item.limit;
    return fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset, savedCount, totalCount);
  }).catch(function (err) {
    if (err == 'done')
      return 'done';

    // All of the above steps have built-in retry so we assume there's a non-recoverable error in this batch and move to next
    if (err.message === 'LIMIT_EXCEEDED') {
      offset += item.limit;
      return fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset, savedCount, totalCount);
    else {
******************* Problem Line ********************
      console.log('Miscellenious error in fetachAllRecords, moving to next resource');
      throw new Error('Misc');


function processResource(client, item, debugmode, region) {
  var deferred = q.defer();
  if (item.resource === "Property" && region === "ccmls") {
    var cities = cities.list;
    item.query = item.query + ' ,(City=|' + cities.join() + ')';
  fetchAllRecords(client, item, region)
    .then(function (result) {
      if (debugmode) {
        console.log('fetchAllRecords: ' + item.resource + '.' + item.class + ' completed...');
    .catch(function (err) {
      console.log(item.resource + '.' + item.class + ' failed with error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  return deferred.promise;

在上面的问题行中,它应该拒绝fetchAllRecords,而在processResource中应该调用fetachAllResources catch处理程序,但出于某种奇怪的原因,这个问题在被抛出后被调用十几次(随机)它最终拒绝了fetchAllResourcesprocessResource返回的承诺。 我错过了一些明显的东西吗?还请评论我使用承诺的风格,是不是还是需要更多练习?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




现在,观察我在下面的代码中标记的行。 (我将引用这些行,例如LINE A2,它将在fetchAllRecords的第二次调用中引用LINE A):

function fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset, savedCount, totalCount) {
  offset = offset || 1;
  savedCount = savedCount || 0;
  totalCount = totalCount || 0;
/*********************** LINE A **************************/
  return processQueue(client, item, offset, region).then(function (result) {
    return associate(result, item, region)
  }).then(function (success) {
    return saveBatch(item, success.allResources, region);
  }).then(function (result) {
    savedCount += result.savedCount;
    totalCount += result.totalCount;
    if (debugmode) {
      console.log(savedCount + '/' + totalCount);
    offset += item.limit;
/*********************** LINE B **************************/
    return fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset, savedCount, totalCount);
  }).catch(function (err) {
    if (err == 'done')
      return 'done';

    // All of the above steps have built-in retry so we assume there's a non-recoverable error in this batch and move to next
    if (err.message === 'LIMIT_EXCEEDED') {
      offset += item.limit;
      return fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset, savedCount, totalCount);
    else {
/*********************** LINE C **************************/
      console.log('Miscellenious error in fetachAllRecords, moving to next resource');
/*********************** LINE D **************************/
      throw new Error('Misc');


  • LINE A1 //成功完成,继续通过thens
  • LINE B1
  • LINE A2 //成功完成,继续通过thens
  • LINE B2
  • LINE A3 //成功完成,继续通过thens
  • LINE B3
  • LINE A4 //错误......异常气泡
  • LINE B3 //异常冒泡......
  • Q服务 - >在then块中检测到异常包含B3行,重定向到catch ...让我们假设它是一个杂项错误
  • LINE C3
  • LINE D3 //错误......
  • Q服务 - >检测包含D3行的catch块中的异常... 也就是说,在B2线上创建的承诺被拒绝。 但是当这个承诺被返回时,它就形成了方法2中线性承诺链的一部分。因此,这种拒绝被传播到了捕获...所以我们接下来命中:
  • LINE C2
  • LINE D2 //错误...
  • 重复。
  • LINE C1
  • LINE D1 //错误......
  • Q服务将拒绝反馈回processResource,然后点击那里的catch块。



你对promises的使用 - 你在processResource方法中使用了反模式(参考:https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Promise-anti-patterns#the-deferred-anti-pattern) - 你应该很少自己创建deferred,相反,你可以依赖于当时的链接行为并捕获(见https://github.com/kriskowal/q)。也就是说,你可以这样写:

function processResource(client, item, debugmode, region) {
  if (item.resource === "Property" && region === "ccmls") {
    var cities = cities.list;
    item.query = item.query + ' ,(City=|' + cities.join() + ')';
  return fetchAllRecords(client, item, region)
    .then(function (result) {
      if (debugmode) {
        console.log('fetchAllRecords: ' + item.resource + '.' + item.class + ' completed...');
      return result;
    .catch(function (err) {
      console.log(item.resource + '.' + item.class + ' failed with error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
      return Q.reject(err);

更一般地说,如果你有能力转换器,我建议使用像babel(或打字稿)这样的东西 - 这意味着你可以使用ES6箭头函数表示法编写,这可以使promises更具可读性

答案 1 :(得分:1)


function fetchAll(offset) {
    if (offset > 5) throw new Error("message"); // let's say the inner one throws
    try {
        return fetchAll(offset+1);
    } catch(e) {
        throw e;


解决方案不是再次处理内部结果的错误。要实现承诺,请查看difference between .then(…).catch(…) and .then(…, …) - 您需要后者:

function fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset=1, savedCount=0, totalCount=0) {
  return processQueue(client, item, offset, region).then(function (result) {
    return associate(result, item, region)
  }).then(function (success) {
    return saveBatch(item, success.allResources, region);
  }).then(function (result) {
    savedCount += result.savedCount;
    totalCount += result.totalCount;
    if (debugmode) {
      console.log(savedCount + '/' + totalCount);
    offset += item.limit;
    return fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset, savedCount, totalCount);
  }, function (err) {
// ^^
    if (err == 'done')
      return 'done';

    if (err.message === 'LIMIT_EXCEEDED') {
      offset += item.limit;
      return fetchAllRecords(client, item, region, offset, savedCount, totalCount);
    } else {
      console.log('Miscellenious error in fetchAllRecords, moving to next resource');
      throw new Error('Misc');
function processResource(client, item, debugmode, region) {
  if (item.resource === "Property" && region === "ccmls") {
    var cities = cities.list;
    item.query = item.query + ' ,(City=|' + cities.join() + ')';
  return fetchAllRecords(client, item, region)
  .then(function (result) {
    if (debugmode) {
      console.log('fetchAllRecords: ' + item.resource + '.' + item.class + ' completed...');
    return result;
  }, function (err) {
    console.log(item.resource + '.' + item.class + ' failed with error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
    throw err;