
时间:2016-12-02 10:30:36

标签: c-preprocessor unused-variables


rem /*Extract all the lines with #defines to log.txt */
findstr "#define" *.h >log.txt

rem /*Extract all the 'tokens' from log.txt to log2.txt */
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims= " %%G IN (log.txt) DO @echo %%G >>log2.txt

rem /*Search through the *.c files in the folder to see if the */
rem /*tokens from log2.txt are used. If not, print them to log5.txt  */
for /F %%i in (log2.txt) do (
findstr /M /C:%%i *.c
If ERRORLEVEL 1 echo %%i >>log5.txt )

上述脚本的问题在于它不检查预处理器常量是否实际用于源代码行或注释行(/ * * /)。请有人帮忙吗?此外,我感谢任何简化脚本或指出任何缺点的建议。

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