def dashboard_metrics
# Get all TwitterPosts, FacebookPosts, LinkedInPosts, and InstagramPosts
tw_posts = current_user.twitter_posts
fb_posts = current_user.facebook_posts
li_posts = current_user.linked_in_posts
ig_posts = current_user.instagram_posts
# Build date range if custom dates selected
if params[:start_date].present? && params[:end_date].present?
@start_date = DateTime.parse(params[:start_date]).midnight
@end_date = DateTime.parse(params[:end_date]).midnight
# Build array of DateTime objects
dates = (@start_date..@end_date).to_a
num_days = dates.count
dates_for_last_period = ((@end_date - (2 * num_days).days)..(@start_date - 1.day)).to_a
# Number of days for window
num_days = params[:num_days].present? && params[:num_days].to_i > 0 ? params[:num_days].to_i : 30
# Build array of DateTime objects
dates = (0..num_days).map { |n| (DateTime.now - n.days).midnight }.reverse
dates_for_last_period = ((num_days + 1)..(num_days * 2)).map { |n| (DateTime.now - n.days).midnight }.reverse
# Initialize data object
data = [{ key: 'Twitter', values: [] }, { key: 'Facebook', values: [] }, { key: 'LinkedIn', values: [] }, { key: 'Instagram', values: [] }]
# Initialize Reach and Value counts
reach_this_period = 0
reach_last_period = 0
# Iterate over array of DateTime objects and increment/push values for each date to data object
dates.each do |date|
# Get Amplify counts for each post type and multiply by average follower/friend count for platform
tw_amplify_count = (tw_posts.where("twitter_posts.updated_at >= ? and twitter_posts.updated_at < ?", date, date + 1).pluck(:completed_requests_count).reduce(:+) || 0) * 300
fb_amplify_count = (fb_posts.where("facebook_posts.updated_at >= ? and facebook_posts.updated_at < ?", date, date + 1).pluck(:completed_requests_count).reduce(:+) || 0) * 350
li_amplify_count = (li_posts.where("linked_in_posts.updated_at >= ? and linked_in_posts.updated_at < ?", date, date + 1).pluck(:completed_requests_count).reduce(:+) || 0) * 700
ig_amplify_count = (ig_posts.where("instagram_posts.updated_at >= ? and instagram_posts.updated_at < ?", date, date + 1).pluck(:completed_requests_count).reduce(:+) || 0) * 200
# Push [date, amplify_count] pairs to data object for each post type
data[0][:values] << [date, tw_amplify_count]
data[1][:values] << [date, fb_amplify_count]
data[2][:values] << [date, li_amplify_count]
data[3][:values] << [date, ig_amplify_count]
reach_this_period += tw_amplify_count + fb_amplify_count + li_amplify_count + ig_amplify_count
# Iterate over array of DateTime objects for previous N days and get sign_in and confirmation counts
dates_for_last_period.each do |date|
# Get Amplify counts for each post type and multiply by average follower/friend count for platform
tw_amplify_count = (tw_posts.where("twitter_posts.updated_at >= ? and twitter_posts.updated_at < ?", date, date + 1).pluck(:completed_requests_count).reduce(:+) || 0) * 208
fb_amplify_count = (fb_posts.where("facebook_posts.updated_at >= ? and facebook_posts.updated_at < ?", date, date + 1).pluck(:completed_requests_count).reduce(:+) || 0) * 200
li_amplify_count = (li_posts.where("linked_in_posts.updated_at >= ? and linked_in_posts.updated_at < ?", date, date + 1).pluck(:completed_requests_count).reduce(:+) || 0) * 390
ig_amplify_count = (ig_posts.where("instagram_posts.updated_at >= ? and instagram_posts.updated_at < ?", date, date + 1).pluck(:completed_requests_count).reduce(:+) || 0) * 104
reach_last_period += tw_amplify_count + fb_amplify_count + li_amplify_count + ig_amplify_count
# Do some more stuff with all the data we just grabbed and return it to the client