
时间:2016-11-21 18:20:07

标签: mongodb meteor



//this returns Words properly    
console.log('splitter', splitSentenceIntoWordsForward(sentence)) 

var wordsForward = splitSentenceIntoWordsForward(sentence)

 //if I remove this line then everything works.
UserSentences.insert({user: Meteor.userId(), words: wordsForward})

//If I don't remove the line above, this prints an array of empty objects like this: [ { }, { } ]
console.log("wordsForward new", wordsForward, JSON.stringify(wordsForward))


我的原始代码已经工作了好几周。只有今天早上才停止。 (除了meteor更新之外还有其他的东西可以参与。我添加了simpleschema和collection2。我也改变了一些发布方法,但是这个代码完全在服务器上运行。


UserSentences = new Mongo.Collection('userSentences')
Schemas.UserSentences = new SimpleSchema({
    words: {
        type: [Object],
        label: 'Words',
        optional: false
    user: {
        type: String,
        label: 'user id',
        optional: false

    createArticle: function (text, title, share) {
        var article = {}
        var wordsArray = []
        article.title = title
        article.userID = Meteor.userId()
        article.text = text
        article.public = share
        var id = Articles.insert(article)
        article.paragraphs = []
        var paragraphs = splitArticleIntoParagraphs(text)
        console.log("paragraphs", paragraphs)
        paragraphs = paragraphs.filter(String)
        console.log('paragraphs w/o empties', paragraphs)
        _.each(paragraphs, function (paragraph, p) {
            // console.log("paragraph", paragraph)
            article.paragraphs[p] = {}
            article.paragraphs[p].read = false
            article.paragraphs[p].text = paragraph
            article.paragraphs[p].index = p
            // console.log("paragraphs[p]", article.paragraphs[p])
            var sentences = splitParagraphIntoSentences(paragraph)
            article.paragraphs[p].sentences = []
            _.each(sentences, function (sentence, s) {
                if (sentence !== "") {
                    article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s] = {}
                    // console.log("sentence", sentence)
                    article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].text = sentence
                    article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].read = false
                    // console.log("paragraphs[p].sentences[s]", article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s])
                    //console.log('splitter', splitSentenceIntoWordsForward(sentence))
                    var wordsForward = splitSentenceIntoWordsForward(sentence)
                    UserSentences.insert({user: Meteor.userId(), words: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(wordsForward))})
                    // console.log("wordsForward new", wordsForward, JSON.stringify(wordsForward))
                    article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward = {}
                    article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words = wordsForward
                    // console.log('wordsForward', JSON.stringify(wordsForward))
                    // var wordsReverse = splitSentenceIntoWordsReverse(sentence)
                    _.each(wordsForward, function (word, w) {
                        if (word) {
                            // console.log('this word should split', word)
                            _.each(word.simplified.split(""), function (character) {
                                wordsArray.push(Words.findOne({simplified: character})._id)
                            article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words[w] = {}
                            article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words[w].wordID = word._id
                            // article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words[w].simplified = word.simplified
                            // article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words[w].trad = word.trad
                            // console.log("word.simplified", word.simplified)
                            var characters = word.simplified.split('')
                            // console.log("characters", characters)
                            article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words[w].characters = []
                            _.each(characters, function (character, c) {
                                if (character) {
                                    // console.log("character", character, p, s, w, c)
                                    article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words[w].characters[c] = {}
                                    article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words[w].characters[c].text = character
                                    article.paragraphs[p].sentences[s].forward.words[w].characters[c].wordID = Words.findOne({simplified: character})._id
        article.words = wordsArray
        article.finishedCreating = true
        Articles.update({_id: id}, {
            $set: {
                paragraphs: article.paragraphs,
                words: wordsArray,
                finishedCreating: true
        }, {bypassCollection2: true})
        return id

var splitSentenceIntoWordsForward = function (string) { // DictionaryForwardMaximumMatchingOld
// console.log(new Date().toDateString())
    console.log('typeof', typeof string)
    var foundWordsArray = []
    var position = string.length
    while (position > 0) {
        // console.log("while")
        var index = position
        var partialString = string.slice(0, index)
        // console.log("partial sub: " + partialString.substring(0, 20))
        var found = Words.findOne({
            "simplified": partialString.substring(0, 20)
        // console.log(partialString)
        if (found) {
            // console.log("found: " + found.simplified)
            // if (found.pinyin == "" && foundWordsArray.length > 1) { //punctuation at beginning of sentence isn't a wrapping concern.
            //     console.log("found punctuation")
            //     foundWordsArray[foundWordsArray.length - 1].simplified = foundWordsArray[foundWordsArray.length - 1].simplified + found.simplified
            // } else {
            console.log("found", found.simplified)
            // }
            position = position - 1
            var partialStringCount = partialString.length
            while (partialStringCount > 0) {
                // console.log("second while")
                string = string.substring(1)
                partialStringCount -= 1
            position = string.length
            index = position
        else if (partialString.length == 1) {
            var newEntryID = Words.insert({
                trad: partialString,
                simplified: partialString,
                pinyin: ""
            var partialStringCount = partialString.length
            while (partialStringCount > 0) {
                string = string.slice(1, string.length) //remove first character
                partialStringCount -= 1
            position = string.length
            index = position //advance(string.startIndex, position)
            console.log("added " + partialString)
        else {
            // console.log("else")
            position = position - 1
            index = position
    //console.log("found: ", JSON.stringify(foundWordsArray))
    // console.log(new Date().toDateString())
    return foundWordsArray

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



UserSentences.insert({user: Meteor.userId(), words: wordsForward},
                     {bypassCollection2: true})