我从头开始编写了一个具有所有特征(锦标赛选择,交叉,变异,精英等)的遗传算法,它成功地演变了“计数问题”的解决方案 - 即它操纵随机生成的二进制染色体群体由1s和1组成0到达一个完美的1到1。
32 rows x 5 variables (+ class, space separated, CR EOL)
00000 0
00001 0
00010 0
00011 1
00100 0
00101 1
00110 1
00111 0
01000 0
01001 1
01010 1
01011 0
01100 1
01101 0
01110 0
01111 1
10000 0
10001 1
10010 1
10011 0
10100 1
10101 0
10110 0
10111 1
11000 1
11001 0
11010 0
11011 1
11100 0
11101 1
11110 1
11111 0
我将如何将基于规则的上下文建立的遗传算法应用于IF x(AND y)那么z?我不知道从哪里开始,我想我可能需要做一些规则提取,但我不知道如何在这种情况下这样做。
public class Controller {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int P = 50; // population size
final int N = 32; // chromosome length
final double C = 0.95; // crossover rate
final double M = (double) 1 / P; // mutation rate
final int G = 50; // # of generations
GA ga = new GA(P, N, C, M);
// Initialise population of random individuals
Individual[] population = ga.initPop();
// "Counting ones" fitness evaluation
int generation = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < G; i++) {
System.out.println("\nGeneration: " + generation);
// Tournament selection
population = ga.tournament(population);
// Tournament winners fitness evaluation
// Single-point crossover
population = ga.crossover(population);
// Crossover children fitness evaluation
// Bit-wise mutation
population = ga.mutate(population);
// Post-mutation population fitness evaluation
// Elitism replacement (remove the worst gene and replace with a copy of the best)
population = ga.elitism(population);
// Post-elitism population fitness evaluation
if (ga.bestFitness(population) == N) {
public class GA {
int populationSize;
int chromosomeSize;
double crossoverRate;
double mutationRate;
Random random = new Random();
public GA(int populationSize, int chromosomeSize, double crossoverRate, double mutationRate) {
this.populationSize = populationSize;
this.chromosomeSize = chromosomeSize;
this.crossoverRate = crossoverRate;
this.mutationRate = mutationRate;
public Individual[] initPop() {
Individual[] population = new Individual[populationSize];
for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
population[i] = new Individual(chromosomeSize);
return population;
public void evaluatePop(Individual[] population) {
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
public Individual[] tournament(Individual[] population) {
Individual[] selectionTemp = new Individual[populationSize];
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
Individual parent1 = population[random.nextInt(population.length)];
Individual parent2 = population[random.nextInt(population.length)];
if (parent1.getFitness() >= parent2.getFitness()) {
selectionTemp[i] = parent1;
} else {
selectionTemp[i] = parent2;
population = selectionTemp;
return population;
public Individual[] crossover(Individual[] population) {
for (int i = 0; i < population.length - 1; i += 2) {
Individual offspring1 = new Individual(population[0].getChromosome().length);
Individual offspring2 = new Individual(population[0].getChromosome().length);
int xpoint = 1 + random.nextInt(chromosomeSize - 1);
if (random.nextDouble() < crossoverRate) {
for (int j = 0; j < xpoint; j++) {
offspring1.setGene(j, population[i].getGene(j));
offspring2.setGene(j, population[i+1].getGene(j));
for (int j = xpoint; j < population[0].getChromosome().length; j++) {
offspring1.setGene(j, population[i+1].getGene(j));
offspring2.setGene(j, population[i].getGene(j));
population[i] = offspring1;
population[i+1] = offspring2;
return population;
public Individual[] mutate(Individual[] population) {
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < population[i].getChromosome().length; j++) {
if (random.nextDouble() < mutationRate) {
return population;
public Individual[] elitism(Individual[] population) {
Individual min = population[0];
int minOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
if (population[i].getFitness() <= min.getFitness()) {
min = population[i];
minOffset = i;
Individual max = population[0];
int maxOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
if (population[i].getFitness() >= max.getFitness()) {
max = population[i];
maxOffset = i;
population[minOffset] = population[maxOffset];
return population;
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Debug logic...">
public int totalFitness(Individual[] population) {
int population_fitness = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
population_fitness += population[i].getFitness();
return population_fitness;
public double avgFitness(Individual[] population) {
return (double) totalFitness(population) / population.length;
public int bestFitness(Individual[] population) {
int max = population[0].getFitness();
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
if (population[i].getFitness() > max) {
max = population[i].getFitness();
return max;
public Individual bestIndividual(Individual[] population) {
Individual max = population[0];
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
if (population[i].getFitness() >= max.getFitness()) {
max = population[i];
return max;
public void printFitness(Individual[] population) {
System.out.println("Total fitness: " + totalFitness(population));
System.out.println("Average fitness: " + avgFitness(population));
//System.out.println("Best fitness: " + bestFitness(population));
System.out.println("Best individual: " + bestIndividual(population));
public void printPop(Individual[] population) {
for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
// </editor-fold>
public class Individual {
public int[] chromosome;
public int fitness = 0;
Random random = new Random();
public Individual(int chromosomeSize) {
this.chromosome = new int[chromosomeSize];
for (int i = 0; i < chromosomeSize; i++) {
this.setGene(i, random.nextInt(2));
// Initializes individual with a blank chromosome (all genes 0)
public Individual(int chromosomeSize, boolean isBlank) {
this.chromosome = new int[chromosomeSize];
Arrays.fill(chromosome, 0);
public void mutate(int offset) {
if (this.getGene(offset) == 1) {
this.setGene(offset, 0);
} else {
this.setGene(offset, 1);
public void evaluate() {
int count = 0;
for (int offset = 0; offset < this.chromosome.length; offset++) {
if (this.getGene(offset) == 1) {
public int getGene(int offset) {
return this.chromosome[offset];
public void setGene(int offset, int gene) {
this.chromosome[offset] = gene;
public int[] getChromosome() {
return chromosome;
public int getFitness() {
return fitness;
public void setFitness(int fitness) {
this.fitness = fitness;
public String toString() {
String output = "Binary gene representation: ";
for (int i = 0; i < this.chromosome.length; i++) {
output += this.getGene(i);
System.out.println("Fitness: " + this.getFitness());
return output;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
遗传算法(GA)是受自然选择过程启发的元启发式。 元启发式被定义为更高级别的过程或启发式,旨在查找,生成或选择子启发式,或子启发式的组合或置换。使用GA本身不会告诉您子启发式应该是什么样子或者什么。因此,您可以将您当前的实现重新表述为:
我已经开发了GA metaheursiticite框架,但是现在我需要确定并设计可能允许我解决这个特定问题的子启发式算法。我想我只做了一半。
那是对的。现在,对于关于GA的第二个重要理解:它们最适用于可以进一步细化部分成功(子解决方案或非最佳解决方案)以获得更好结果的问题。 < / p>
这并不意味着您无法强制使用GA解决方案 - 您可以创建使用模数或XOR(例如)的各种查找规则,并且可以非常快速地发展可行的解决方案。但它几乎感觉像作弊,因为你硬编码了必要的&#34;洞察力&#34; (模运算或异或运算)您希望进化。将GA归入解决方案的另一种方法是开发基因&#34;代码为&#34; programmatic&#34;语法并实际演化一个小程序函数bool result = f(x)
要将此作为GA学校作业归类,我建议采用数字门式方法。您需要从二进制染色体方案转变为三元染色体方案(由于您已使用int[] chromosome
1: prior State AND B[next]
2: prior State OR B[next]
3: NOT
(其中{ {1}}是评估函数内部的内部变量,并且在每个连续的trit之间发生隐式AND操作(NOT类型除外)。因此,例如,假设您演化了三元解State
2, 3, 3, 1
其中((!(!(prior State | B[next]))) & (prior State & B[next]))
2, 3, 3, 1
这个评估函数的优点在于它将处理任意长的输入位串,因为它仅以滚动方式每位应用,而不关心整个位串长度。我们知道它理论上可以演变出正确的解决方案,因为1. State = 0
2. B[next] = 1, State = ((!(!(0 | 1))) & (0 & 1)) = 0
3. B[next] = 0, State = ((!(!(0 | 0))) & (0 & 0)) = 0
4. B[next] = 0, State = ((!(!(0 | 0))) & (0 & 0)) = 0
5. Return final State value (0 here) from evaluation function.
为了使其起作用,你必须允许可变长度的解决方案(可变长度进化的trit序列),但是将染色体限制在合理的上限(比如15 trits左右)以防止GA进入疯狂的解决方案。另外还有一件事需要做才能实现:基于对许多输入位串的批量评估进行评分。由于任何输入位串的求值函数输出仅为A XOR B = (A OR B) AND (NOT (A AND B))