
时间:2016-11-20 13:59:42

标签: jpa nosuchmethoderror

我需要调用存储的函数StoredProcedureQuery storedProcedure = manager.createStoredProcedureQuery("fncpreparaordemorcamento"); storedProcedure.registerStoredProcedureParameter("tax", Integer.class, ParameterMode.OUT); storedProcedure.execute(); Integer tax = (Integer)storedProcedure.getOutputParameterValue("tax");

我收到此错误 NoSuchMethodError:javax.persistence.EntityManager.createStoredProcedureQuery


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>">     4.0.0



<name>rh - web</name>

        <name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>

    <!-- Import the JAX-RS API, we use provided scope as the API is included 
        in JBoss AS 7 -->

    <!-- Import the CDI API, we use provided scope as the API is included in 
        JBoss AS 7 -->

    <!-- Import the JSF API, we use provided scope as the API is included in 
        JBoss AS 7 -->

    <!-- Import the JPA API, we use provided scope as the API is included in
        JBoss AS 7 -->
    <!-- -->








    <!-- Dependency on the EJB module so we can use it's services if needed -->


    <!-- JSR-303 (Bean Validation) Implementation -->
    <!-- Provides portable constraints such as @Email -->
    <!-- Hibernate Validator is shipped in JBoss AS 7 -->





                <!-- Java EE 6 doesn't require web.xml, Maven needs to catch up! -->

        <name>PrimeFaces Maven Repository</name>


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