
时间:2016-11-12 18:57:49

标签: java haskell


import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class IO<A> {
    private Function<World,Tuple<World,A>> transform;
    private class World {
        private ArrayList<String> stdin;
        private ArrayList<String> stdout;
        public World() {
            this.stdin  = new ArrayList<String>();
            this.stdout = new ArrayList<String>();
    private class Tuple<F,S> {
        public F fst;
        public S snd;
        public Tuple(F fst, S snd) {
            this.fst = fst;
            this.snd = snd;
    public IO(Function<World,Tuple<World,A>> transform) {
        this.transform = transform;
    public IO<A> pure(A a) {
        return new IO<A>(r -> new Tuple<World,A>(r,a));
    public <B> IO<B> bind(IO<A> io, Function<A,IO<B>> f) {
        return new IO<B>(r -> {
            Tuple<World,A> result = io.transform.apply(r);
            IO<B> ioB = f.apply(result.snd);
            return ioB.transform.apply(result.fst);


IO.java:29: error: incompatible types: IO<B>.World cannot be converted to IO<A>.World
            Tuple<World,A> result = io.transform.apply(r);
  where B,A are type-variables:
    B extends Object declared in method <B>bind(IO<A>,Function<A,IO<B>>)
    A extends Object declared in class IO


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

不考虑在Java中复制Haskell IO类型的方法的保真度:


import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class IO<A> {
    private Function<World,Tuple<World,A>> transform;
    private static class World {
        private ArrayList<String> stdin;
        private ArrayList<String> stdout;
        public World() {
            this.stdin  = new ArrayList<String>();
            this.stdout = new ArrayList<String>();
    private static class Tuple<F,S> {
        public F fst;
        public S snd;
        public Tuple(F fst, S snd) {
            this.fst = fst;
            this.snd = snd;
    private IO(Function<World,Tuple<World,A>> transform) {
        this.transform = transform;
    public static <A> IO<A> pure(A a) {
        return new IO<A>(r -> new Tuple<World,A>(r,a));
    public static <A,B> IO<B> bind(IO<A> io, Function<A,IO<B>> f) {
        return new IO<B>(r -> {
            Tuple<World,A> result = io.transform.apply(r);
            IO<B> ioB = f.apply(result.snd);
            return ioB.transform.apply(result.fst);

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我认为&#34;操作monad&#34;方法更适合解释Haskell I / O的本质。 Haskell版本非常简单:

data PrimOp a where
  PutStr :: String -> PrimOp ()
  GetLine :: PrimOp String
  -- Whatever other primitives you want

data MyIO a where
  Pure :: a -> MyIO a
  Bind :: !(MyIO a) -> (a -> MyIO b) -> MyIO b
  LiftPrim :: !(PrimOp a) -> MyIO a

instance Functor MyIO where
  fmap = liftM

instance Applicative MyIO where
  pure = Pure
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad MyIO where
  (>>=) = Bind


runPrimOp :: PrimOp a -> IO a
runPrimOp (PutStr s) = putStr s
runPrimOp GetLine = getLine

runMyIO :: MyIO a -> IO a
runMyIO (Pure a) = pure a
runMyIO (Bind m f) = runMyIO m >>= runMyIO . f
runMyIO (LiftPrim prim) = runPrimOp prim



public interface IO <A> {
  public A run ();

public final class Pure <A> implements IO <A> {
  private final A val;
  Pure (A x) { val = x; }
  public A run () {
      return val;


import java.util.function.Function;

public final class Bind <A> implements IO <A> {
    private final OpenBind <?,A> ob;

    public <B> Bind (IO <B> m, Function <B,IO <A>> f) {
        ob = new OpenBind <B,A> (m, f);

    public A run() {
        return (ob.run());

    private final static class OpenBind <Fst,Snd> {
        private final IO <Fst> start;
        private final Function <Fst, IO <Snd>> cont;
        public OpenBind (IO <Fst> m, Function <Fst, IO <Snd>> f) {
            start = m;
            cont = f;
        public final Snd run () {
            Fst x = start.run();
            IO <Snd> c = cont.apply(x);
            return (c.run());


public class PutStr implements IO <Unit> {
  private String str;
  public PutStr (String s) {
      str = s;
  public Unit run () {
      return Unit.unit;

public final class Unit {
  private Unit () {}
  public static final Unit unit = new Unit ();

public class GetLine implements IO <String> {
    private GetLine () {}
    public static final GetLine getLine = new GetLine ();
    public String run () {
      // Replace the next line with whatever you actually use to
      // read a string.
      return "";