
时间:2016-11-09 14:59:24

标签: c++ boost boost-graph




AB = 4, BC = 10, CD = 3


  • 发现A并将其添加到连接区域
  • 发现B,并判断B是否足够相似"对于这个例子,假设标准是边缘权重的阈值:如果边缘权重是> 1。 5,那么我们不应该继续遍历B.所以在这里,AB = 4所以我们应该增长到B,但是从BC=10开始,我们永远不应该到达C.
    • 如果是这样,将B添加到连接区域并继续发现C并检查C是否与B等相似。
    • 如果没有,请停止并返回当前连接的区域


#include <iostream>

#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/breadth_first_search.hpp>

using EdgeWeightProperty = boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, float>;

using ColorPropertyType = boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, boost::default_color_type>;

using GraphType =  boost::adjacency_list<boost::setS, // out edge container
                                         boost::vecS, // vertex container
                                         boost::undirectedS, // directed or undirected
                                         ColorPropertyType, // vertex properites
                                         EdgeWeightProperty> // edge properties

template <typename TGraph>
void printColors(const TGraph& g)
    const auto& colorMapGraph = get(boost::vertex_color_t(), g);

    std::cout << "colors: ";
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_vertices(g); ++i) {
        std::cout << get(colorMapGraph, vertex(i, g)) << " ";

    std::cout << std::endl;

class BreadthFirstSearchVisitor : public boost::default_bfs_visitor

    // We must provide a mutable version of the graph to the visitor since we want to change properties
    BreadthFirstSearchVisitor(GraphType& graph) : mGraph(graph) {}

    template < typename TEdge, typename TGraph>
    void tree_edge(TEdge e, const TGraph& g) const
        std::cout << std::endl << "tree_edge: " << e << std::endl;
        const auto& colors = get(boost::vertex_color_t(), mGraph); // Though this is const&, you can still call put()

        const auto& edgeWeights = get(boost::edge_weight_t(), mGraph);

        boost::graph_traits<GraphType>::vertex_descriptor targetVertex = boost::target(e, g);
        std::cout << "targetVertex: " << targetVertex << std::endl;

        float edgeWeight = get(edgeWeights, e);
        std::cout << "edgeWeight: " << edgeWeight << std::endl;

        if(edgeWeight > 5.f) {
            std::cout << "Next vertex does not belong to the region!" << std::endl;
            put(colors, vertex(targetVertex, mGraph), boost::color_traits<GraphType>::black());


    // A very strange pattern, but this is (officially) recommended here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2608616/284529
    GraphType& mGraph;

int main(int,char*[])
    // Create a graph object
    GraphType g(4);

    EdgeWeightProperty e0 = 4.f;
    add_edge(0, 1, e0, g);

    EdgeWeightProperty e1 = 10.f;
    add_edge(1, 2, e1, g);

    EdgeWeightProperty e2 = 3.f;
    add_edge(2, 3, e2, g);

    BreadthFirstSearchVisitor breadthFirstSearchVisitor(g);

    unsigned int startVertex = 0;

    // named argument signature
    breadth_first_search(g, vertex(startVertex, g), visitor(breadthFirstSearchVisitor).color_map(get(boost::vertex_color_t(), g)));

    return 0;


tree_edge: (0,1)
colors: 1 0 0 0 
targetVertex: 1
edgeWeight: 4

tree_edge: (1,2)
colors: 4 1 0 0 
targetVertex: 2
edgeWeight: 10
Next vertex does not belong to the region!
colors: 4 1 4 0 

tree_edge: (2,3)
colors: 4 4 1 0 
targetVertex: 3
edgeWeight: 3



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