
时间:2016-11-09 03:08:59

标签: r mapping leaflet

我最近发现了纽约公交线路shape file of NYC bus routes (zip file)的这个形状文件,我有兴趣用R中的传单包绘图。




bus <- readOGR(dsn = path.expand("bus_route_shapefile"), layer = "bus_route_shapefile")
bus.pj <- spTransform(bus, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
bus.st <- readOGR(dsn = path.expand("bus_stop_shapefile"), layer = "bus_stop_shapefile")
bus.st.pj <- spTransform(bus.st, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

bus_map <- leaflet() %>%
  setView(lng = -73.932667, lat = 40.717266, zoom = 11) %>%
  addPolylines(data = bus.pj, color = "black", opacity = 1) %>%
  addCircles(data=bus.st.pj@data,~stop_lon, ~stop_lat, color = "red") %>%

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果您不仅提供bus_routes而且提供bus_stop (zip file),那么帮助您会更容易。您可以将bus.pj转换为新的SpatialLinesxxx obj来解决此问题,其中每个班级Lines只有一个班级Line。代码下面的SLDF由于未知而没有bus.pj@data$trip_heads

library(dplyr); library(sp); library(leaflet)

  ## resolve bus.pj@lines into list(Line.objs)   (Don't worry about warnings)
Line_list <- lapply(bus.pj@lines, getLinesLinesSlot) %>% unlist()

       ## If you want just Lines infromation, finish with this line.
     SL <- sapply(1:length(Line_list), function(x) Lines(Line_list[[x]], ID = x)) %>% 

  ## make new ids (originalID_nth)
ori_id <- getSLLinesIDSlots(bus.pj)                         # get original ids
LinLS <- sapply(bus.pj@lines, function(x) length(x@Lines))  # how many Line.obj does each Lines.obj has
new_id <- sapply(1:length(LinLS), function(x) paste0(x, "_", seq.int(LinLS[[x]]))) %>% 

  ## make a new data.frame (only route_id)
df <- data.frame(route_id = rep(bus.pj@data$route_id, times = LinLS))
rownames(df) <- new_id

  ## integrate Line.objs, ids and a data.frame into SpatialLinesDataFrame.obj
SLDF <- mapply(function(x, y) Lines(x, ID = y), x = Line_list, y = new_id) %>% 
  SpatialLines() %>% SpatialLinesDataFrame(data = df)

leaflet() %>%
  setView(lng = -73.932667, lat = 40.717266, zoom = 11) %>%
  addPolylines(data = SLDF, color = "black", opacity = 1, weight = 1) %>% 
  addCircles(data=bus.st.pj@data,~stop_lon, ~stop_lat, color = "red", weight = 0.3)

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