我正在尝试生成所有路径,从一个相当大的网络(20,000+弧)中,每个原点到每个目的地最多有6个节点。我正在使用networkx和python 2.7。对于小型网络,它运行良好但我需要为整个网络运行它。我想知道是否有更有效的方法在python中执行此操作。我的代码包含一个递归函数(见下文)。我正在考虑在记忆中保留一些路径,以便我不会再为其他路径创建它们,但我不确定如何快速完成它。现在它甚至不会在几天内完成。对我的项目来说,3-4个小时应该没问题。
以下是我创建的示例。我可以随意忽略打印功能,因为我为了说明目的而添加了它们。这里还有示例输入文件。 input
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import copy
import os
class ODPath(object):
def __init__(self,pathID='',transittime=0,path=[],vol=0,OD='',air=False,sortstrat=[],arctransit=[]):
self.pathID = pathID
self.transittime = transittime
self.path = path
self.vol = vol
self.OD = OD
self.air = air
self.sortstrat = sortstrat # a list of sort strategies
self.arctransit = arctransit # keep the transit time of each arc as a list
def setpath(self,newpath):
self.path = newpath
def setarctransitpath(self,newarctransit):
self.arctransit = newarctransit
def settranstime(self,newtranstime):
self.transittime = newtranstime
def setpathID(self,newID):
self.pathID = newID
def setvol(self,newvol):
self.vol = newvol
def setOD(self,newOD):
self.OD = newOD
def setAIR(self,newairTF):
self.air = newairTF
def setsortstrat(self,newsortstrat):
self.sortstrat = newsortstrat
def find_allpaths(graph, start, end, pathx=ODPath(None,0,[],0,None,False)):
path = copy.deepcopy(pathx) #to make sure the original has not been revised
newpath = path.path +[start]
if len(path.path) >6:
return []
if start == end:
return [path]
if (start) not in graph: #check if node:start exists in the graph
return []
paths = []
for node in graph[start]: #loop over all outbound nodes of starting point
if node not in path.path: #makes sure there are no cycles
newpaths = find_allpaths(graph,node,end,path)
for newpath in newpaths:
if len(newpath.path) < 7: #generate only the paths that are with at most 6 hops
return paths
def printallpaths(path_temp):
def printapath(path):
print path.path
df_t= pd.read_csv(filename,delimiter=',')
df_t = df_t.reset_index()
G=nx.from_pandas_dataframe(df_t, 'node1', 'node2', ['Transit Time'],nx.DiGraph())
答案 0 :(得分:1)
从这里开始,您可以进行进一步的优化,例如使用multiple cores,或者根据度数等标准选择下一个要遍历的节点。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
from itertools import combinations
from networkx.algorithms.simple_paths import all_simple_paths
import networkx as nx
G = nx.DiGraph()
node_names = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'S']
G.add_edges_from(combinations(node_names, 2))
print (G)
for path in all_simple_paths(G, 'A', 'S'):
print (path)
在不涉及内部细节的情况下,我注意到您的实现生成了所有答案的列表,然后将其返回。您会注意到networkx.algorithms.simple_paths.all_simple_paths返回一个生成器。生成器在内存(分配,缓存,交换)上友好得多,因此性能更好。 https://stackoverflow.com/a/102632/1766544或……几乎到处都有关于该主题的讨论。