
时间:2016-11-07 23:09:56

标签: excel applescript pdf-generation


set PDFName to --desired path and name of PDF file to save
set excelName to --desired path and name of Excel file to open

tell application "/Applications/Microsoft Excel.app"
    set isRun to running
    set wkbk1 to open workbook workbook file name excelName

    save (sheet "Invoice" of wkbk1) in PDFName as PDF file format

    close wkbk1 saving no
    if not isRun then quit
end tell


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set PDFPath to "Users:imac27:Desktop:Test22.PDF" -- destination of the PDF

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set SourceDoc to front document
set NameWB to name of front document -- get name of the document (for close)
tell SourceDoc to set SourceSheet to active sheet -- get sheet to be extracted
set newDoc to make new workbook -- create new workbook
tell newDoc
    set FirstSheet to first sheet of newDoc
    copy worksheet SourceSheet after FirstSheet -- copy sheet to be extracted in new doc
end tell
set display alerts to false -- to avoid warning "are you sure...?)
delete FirstSheet -- delete defautl sheet of new doc to keep only the copied sheet
save active sheet in PDFPath as PDF file format -- save temp workbook as PDf
close active workbook saving no -- close temp workbook
close workbook NameWB saving no -- close main document
end tell