在我发布的代码中,我只显示了2个菜单选项,即" createdb"和"删除了",以及我为拼命使功能更紧凑而做的一些功能。但我的问题是该模式与所有其他菜单选项类似。我要求用户输入数据库的名称或" b"返回菜单,然后检查文件是否存在。
FilePath -> IO ()
type Choice = (String, String, IO ())
choices :: [Choice]
choices =
[("a", "create a database", createdb),
("b", "delete a database", deletedb),
("c", "insert an entry to a database", insert),
("d", "print a database", selectall),
("e", "select entries from a database", select),
-- more similiar choices
menu :: IO ()
menu = do
(mapM_ putStrLn . map showChoice) choices
c <- get "Enter the letter corresonding to the action of choice:"
case filter ((== c) . fst3) choices of
[] -> back "Not a valid choice. Try again"
(_, _, f) : _ -> f
createdb :: IO ()
createdb = do
n <- maybeName
if isNothing n then menu else do
let name = fromJust n
fp <- maybeFile name
if isJust fp
then back $ "Error: \"" ++ name ++ "\" already exist."
else do
cols <- get "Enter unique column names in the form n1,n2,...,n (No spaces):"
let spl = (splitOnComma . toLower') cols
case filter (== True) (hasDuplicates spl : map (elem ' ') spl) of
[] -> writeFile (name ++ ".txt") (cols ++ "\n")
_ -> back "Error: Column names must be unique and have no spaces."
deletedb :: IO ()
deletedb = do
n <- maybeName
if isNothing n then menu else do
let name = fromJust n
fp <- maybeFile name
if isJust fp
then removeFile (fromJust fp)
else back $ "Error: Could not find " ++ name
maybeName :: IO (Maybe String)
maybeName = do
input <- get "Enter database name or 'b' to go back to the menu."
return $ case input of
"b" -> Nothing
_ -> Just input
maybeFile :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
maybeFile name = do
let fn = name ++ ".txt"
exists <- doesFileExist fn
return $ if exists then Just fn else Nothing
back :: String -> IO ()
back msg = do
putStrLn msg
get :: String -> IO String
get msg = do
putStrLn msg
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您正在寻找Exception monad transformer。
import Control.Monad.Except
data ExitType = ToMenu | Error String
deletedb :: ExceptT ExitType IO ()
deletedb = do
name <- getName
fp <- getFile name
liftIO $ removeFile fp
(甚至是等效的单行deletedb = liftIO . removeFile =<< getFile =<< getName
getName :: ExceptT ExitType IO String
getName = do
input <- liftIO $ get "Enter database name or 'b' to go back to the menu."
case input of
"b" -> throwError ToMenu
_ -> return input
menu :: IO ()
menu = do
let action = deletedb -- display menu here to choose action
r <- runExcept action
case r of
Left ToMenu -> menu
Left (Error errmsg) -> putStrLn errmsg >> menu
Right result -> print result