public static void makeTree(String[] alphabet){
TreeNode<String> root0 = new TreeNode<String>(null);
TreeNode<String> tempRoot = root0;
TreeNode<String> tempRoot1 = root0;
for(int i = 0; i<getAlphabet().length; i++){
if(2*i+1 < getAlphabet().length-1) {
tempRoot.setLeftChild(new TreeNode<String>(getAlphabet()[2 * i + 1], tempRoot));
tempRoot.setRightChild(new TreeNode<String>(getAlphabet()[2 * (i + 1)], tempRoot));
tempRoot = tempRoot.getLeftChild();
tempRoot1 = tempRoot.getRightChild();
// create the Tree as a linked structure from the arrayS myStringChars
// the Strings are stored using the representation for trees as arrays in the book
// (e.g. for an element i, the left child is stored in position 2*i + 1, right child is