无人机飞行在一个环境中,它配备了一个无人机前的双镜头相机(ZED立体声相机)。该摄像机负责检测环境,它可以提供环境的深度信息并生成环境的点云。生成的点将具有ZED相机本身的原点。 SDK中没有障碍物检测,但您可以在点云上循环寻找小于5米的点。如果您检测到一组点,则可以将此视为ZED参考中的障碍。使用此程序(main.cpp),您可以在点云上实现三维坐标(原点位于左侧len的中间,x是水平轴,y是垂直向下,z轴是摄像机和点云之间的距离)无人机飞行的实时。该计划由我的合作伙伴修改。因此它与官方网站提供的内容略有不同。
Continue to program in C++ and commend each line.
Tasks are:
The view field of this camera is 110 degree. But I will not use all of them. So define a view field at 30 degree of camera. When the camera detects the groups of point cloud in this 30 degree within 5m, the program gives an alarm and return a command to control system to make UAV hover. You should continue to program the main.cpp.
In the end you should give me 2 programs: 1 is with alarm, the other is with a command to control system. I do not need any report.
I will run this program in JETSON TX1 platform in Ubuntu, later maybe it will involve in some debugs process, but no problem, I will try my best to debug, if somewhere I cannot deal with, I will ask you for help.
This topic has a set of tasks, this is the first one, if you work well, we can talk about the others.
What I can offer you are:
Suppose UAV data: