我无法使代码生效。我正在阅读AppCoda教程,这段代码是用swift 2编写的。 它应该使用数组中的第一个字母组成一个dictorionary
func createAnimalDict() {
for animal in animals {
// Get the first letter of the animal name and build the dictionary
let animalKey =
if var animalValues = animalsDict[animalKey] {
animalsDict[animalKey] = animalValues
} else {
animalsDict[animalKey] = [animal]
} }
// Get the section titles from the dictionary's keys and sort them in
ascending order
animalSectionTitles = [String](animalsDict.keys)
animalSectionTitles = animalSectionTitles.sort({ $0 < $1 })
animalsDict["B"] = ["Bear", "Black Swan", "Buffalo"]
animalsDict["C"] = ["Camel"]
func createAnimalDict() {
for animal in animals {
// Get the first letter of the animal name and build the dictionary
let animalKey = animal.substring(to: animal.index(animal.startIndex, offsetBy: 1))
if var animalValues = animalsDict[animalKey] {
animalsDict[animalKey] = animalValues
} else {
animalsDict[animalKey] = [animal]
} }
// Get the section titles from the dictionary's keys and sort them in ascending order
animalSectionTitles = [String](animalsDict.keys)
animalSectionTitles = animalSectionTitles.sorted(by: { $0 < $1 })