将具有相同长度的列表元组转换为任意的元组列表 - Haskell

时间:2016-10-31 12:19:20

标签: haskell tuples

我试图转换相同长度的列表元组: ([Int], [Int], ..)到元组列表[(Int, Int, ...)]。这可以通过以下代码实现预定的尺寸:

buildList :: ([a], [a], [a], [a], [a], [a], [a], [a]) -> [(a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a)]           
buildList ([], [], [], [], [], [], [], []) = []                                               
buildList (a:as, b:bs, c:cs, d:ds, e:es, f:fs, g:gs, h:hs) = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) : buildList (as, bs, cs, ds, es, fs, gs, hs)



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{-# language DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, GADTs #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-} -- This will be needed later

data Product (ts :: [*]) where
    Nil :: Product '[]
    Cons :: t -> Product ts -> Product (t ': ts)

instance Show (Product '[]) where
    show Nil = "()"

instance (Show t, Show (Product ts)) => Show (Product (t ': ts)) where
    show (Cons x xs) = let '(':s = show xs
                       in concat ["(", show x, ",", s]


*Main> myPair = Cons 1 $ Cons "Foo" $ Cons True Nil 
*Main> :t myPair
myPair :: Num t => Product '[t, [Char], Bool]
*Main> myLists = Cons [1, 2] $ Cons ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"] Nil
*Main> :t myLists
myLists :: Num t => Product '[[t], [[Char]]]


zipN :: Product '[[a], [b], ...] -> [Product '[a, b, ...]]

但是,我们仍然需要一种方法以某种方式将列表元组Product '[[a], [b], ...]转换为元素元组Product '[a, b, ...]。我发现最简单的是使用关联的类型系列来进行转换和锁步的实际压缩:

class IsLists (ts :: [*]) where
    type Unlists ts :: [*]
    zipN :: Product ts -> [Product (Unlists ts)]

instance IsLists '[] where
    type Unlists '[] = '[]
    zipN Nil = []

instance (IsLists ts) => IsLists ([t] ': ts) where
    type Unlists ([t] ': ts) = t ': Unlists ts

    -- Handling the tail is special to ensure we don't end up zipping everything
    -- with the empty list coming from zipN []
    zipN (Cons xs yss) = case yss of
        Nil -> map (`Cons` Nil) xs
        _ -> zipWith Cons xs (zipN yss)


*Main> zipN myLists
*Main> :t it
it :: Num t => [Product '[t, [Char]]]
