
时间:2016-10-29 22:50:26

标签: python-3.x precision

所以我最终尝试使用Horner的规则(来评估多项式,并创建一个函数来评估多项式。无论如何,所以我的问题在于我如何编写函数;它适用于简单的多项式,如3x ^ 2 + 2x ^ 1 + 5等。但是一旦你开始评估一个具有浮点数的多项式(像1.8953343e-20那样疯狂的东西等),它就会失去它的精确度。 因为我使用这个函数来使用牛顿方法(来评估多项式的​​根,所以我需要这个是精确的,因此它不会通过一个方法失去它的价值。小舍入误差和诸如此类的东西。



def evaluatePoly(poly, x_):
    """Evaluates the polynomial at x = x_ and returns the result as a floating
point number using Horner's rule"""
    total = 0.
    polyRev = poly[::-1]
    for nn in polyRev:
        total = total * x_
        total = total + nn
    return total

注意:我已经尝试使用float()将nn,x_,(total * x_)设置为浮点数。


Polynomial: 5040x^0 + 1602x^1 + 1127x^2 - 214x^3 - 75x^4 + 4x^5 + 1x^6

Derivative: 1602x^0 + 2254x^1 - 642x^2 - 300x^3 + 20x^4 + 6x^5

(6.9027369297630505, False)

Starting at 100.00, no root found, last estimate was 6.90, giving value f(6.90) = -6.366463e-12
(6.9027369297630505, False)

Starting at 10.00, no root found, last estimate was 6.90, giving value f(6.90) = -6.366463e-12

(-2.6575456505038764, False)

Starting at 0.00, no root found, last estimate was -2.66, giving value f(-2.66) = 8.839758e+03

(-8.106973924480215, False)

Starting at -10.00, no root found, last estimate was -8.11, giving value f(-8.11) = -1.364242e-11

(-8.106973924480215, False)

Starting at -100.00, no root found, last estimate was -8.11, giving value f(-8.11) = -1.364242e-11


Polynomial: 5040x^0 + 1602x^1 + 1127x^2 - 214x^3 - 75x^4 + 4x^5 + 1x^6

Derivative: 1602x^0 + 2254x^1 - 642x^2 - 300x^3 + 20x^4 + 6x^5

(6.9027369297630505, False)

Starting at 100.00, no root found, last estimate was 6.90,giving value f(6.90) = -2.91038e-11

(6.9027369297630505, False)

Starting at 10.00, no root found, last estimate was 6.90,giving value f(6.90) = -2.91038e-11

(-2.657545650503874, False)

Starting at 0.00, no root found, last estimate was -2.66,giving value f(-2.66) = 8.83976e+03

(-8.106973924480215, True)

Starting at -10.00, root found at x = -8.11, giving value f(-8.11)= 0.000000e+00

(-8.106973924480215, True)

Starting at -100.00, root found at x = -8.11, giving value f(-8.11)= 0.000000e+00


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


def evaluatePoly(poly, x_):
    '''Evaluate the polynomial poly at x = x_ and return the result as a
    floating-point number using Horner's rule'''
    total= 0
    degree =0 
    for coef in poly:
        total += (x_**degree) * coef
        degree += 1

答案 1 :(得分:0)


In [6]: x0=6.9027369297630505
In [7]: evaluatePoly(poly,x0)                                     
Out[7]: -6.366462912410498e-12

In [8]: evaluatePoly([abs(c) for c in poly],abs(x0))
Out[8]: 481315.82997756737

此值是浮点误差的放大系数的第一个估计值,乘以机器epsilon 2.22e-16,这给出1.07e-10x0的任何评估方法的累积浮点误差的界限实际上,两种评估方法都会在这个范围之下轻松地给出值,表明在浮点格式的能力范围内找到了根。


graph of polynomial evaluation close to the root