
时间:2016-10-25 02:14:50

标签: c++ expression lvalue


我遇到了这段代码的问题。我是一个相当新的程序员,我从java开始尝试学习c ++。错误在48,49,50行,我试图用不同的方法调用做同样的事情。我无法弄清楚这里有什么问题,当我删除= worldObjectToUpdate.variable时它不再抛出错误。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Created to hold the x, y, velocity and mass of an object.  
//It's called a spaghettiObject cause I was bored.
//A better name would probably be something like "worldObject"
struct spaghettiObject {
    float velocity;
    float positionX;
    float positionY;
    float mass;
//All world objects in an array
spaghettiObject myArray[5];
//test zone
spaghettiObject test;
spaghettiObject createTestObject() {
    myArray[1] = test;
    test.mass = 2;
    test.positionX = 2;
    test.positionY = 2;
    test.velocity = 2;
    return test;
//Output from the physics simulation to the render function
spaghettiObject output;
//Calculates the position of a spaghettiObject's x using velocity
float nextPositionX(spaghettiObject objectToTransform) {
    float objectToTransformNewX = objectToTransform.positionX;
    return  objectToTransformNewX;
//Calculates the position of a spaghettiObject's x using velocity
float nextPositionY(spaghettiObject objectToTransform) {
    float objectToTransformNewY = objectToTransform.positionY;
    return objectToTransformNewY;
//Calculates the new velocity. for use:after updating x and y of object
float nextVelocity(spaghettiObject objectToUpdate) {
    float objectToUpdateNewV = objectToUpdate.velocity;
    return objectToUpdateNewV;
//Designed to be where all of the update functions are called
void updateWorldObject(spaghettiObject worldObjectToUpdate) {
    nextPositionX(worldObjectToUpdate) = worldObjectToUpdate.positionX;
    nextPositionY(worldObjectToUpdate) = worldObjectToUpdate.positionY;
    nextVelocity(worldObjectToUpdate) = worldObjectToUpdate.velocity;
//calculates position of variable defined above, myArray
void nextUpdateOfMyArray() {
    //temp object that is effectively the entire array
    spaghettiObject temp;
    //initilization of temp
    temp.mass = 0;
    temp.positionX = 0;
    temp.positionY = 0;
    temp.velocity = 0;
    //for calling functions for
    //each of the objects
    for (int i = 0; i++; i < (sizeof myArray / sizeof spaghettiObject)) {       
        //assigning the current object in the array to the temp object
        myArray[i] = temp;
        //Calling the update functions
        createTestObject() = temp;
        //regular code
        output = temp;
//Used to update the physics
void update() {
//Used to render a console output
void render() {
    cout << output.mass + output.positionX + output.positionY + output.velocity;
int main() {

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

functionCall() = value中的{p> updateWorldObject是你的问题。您无法为函数调用分配值。你想把这个价值去哪里?如果您想在对象中使用它,则分配的lhs应为objectToModify.propertyToModifypointerToObject->propertyToModify。如果你想在一个自变量中,lhs是variableToModify。如果您希望它是函数的参数,则没有赋值表达式。在任何情况下,分配给函数调用表达式都没有意义。

在这种情况下,您似乎正在尝试更新参数worldObjectToUpdate的属性,但这也不起作用。原因是c ++中的参数是通过值传递的,因此将参数声明为SpaghettiObject会告诉c ++将整个对象复制到调用堆栈中 - 这不是您在java中习惯的。然后将在函数内修改该新对象,但该函数返回时该对象消失。这就像打开文件,进行一些编辑,然后关闭它而不保存。

相反,您希望将参数声明为对象的引用。在java中,所有对象都是引用,因此您永远不会进行区分。在c ++中,有两种语法方法可以指示参数是一个引用,这样函数就会修改传递给它的对象,而不是克隆它并丢弃更改。

void function(Object* pointerToObject) {
    pointerToObject->propertyToModify = newValue;

Object anObject;



void function(Object& objectToModify) {
    objectToModify.propertyToModify = newValue;

Object anObject;

Object&类型是对 Object引用,这正是您想要来自java的内容:您仍然使用.运算符,你永远不会做任何特殊的创建引用,不复制对象。引用(与指针相对)的缺点是,一旦引用引用了一个对象,它就不能被重新分配给另一个对象,但作为一个函数的参数,它会没问题。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

createTestObject() = temp;最有可能是temp=createTestObject()