如何连接较小的矩阵或向量,以形成一个更大的矩阵OpenCV c ++ cv :: Matx

时间:2016-10-21 14:51:00

标签: c++ opencv matrix vector concatenation

假设您有3个5向量,并且想要用它们填充15向量。 (如果我知道如何做到这一点,我将知道如何使用cv :: Matx矩阵)

int const DIM = 5;
int const STS = 15;
typedef cv::Matx<double, DIM,1>    VecDim;
typedef cv::Matx<double, STS,1>    VecSts;
VecDim xSt, ySt, wSt;

Then some process occur and their values will be set.

OpenCV 3.1中有什么办法可以做到:

VecSts allVals;
allVals << xSt, ySt, wSt;


for(int id = 0; id < DIM; ++id)
   allVals(id,0)       = xSt(id,0);
   allVals(id+DIM,0)   = ySt(id,0);
   allVals(id+2*DIM,0) = wSt(id,0);

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