我正在尝试将计数单个列发布指标。我有一个df [customerId : string, totalRent : bigint, totalPurchase: bigint, itemTypeCounts: map<string, int> ]
val totalCustomers = df.count
val totalPurchaseCount = df.filter("totalPurchase > 0").count
val totalRentCount = df.filter("totalRent > 0").count
publishMetrics("Total Customer", totalCustomers )
publishMetrics("Total Purchase", totalPurchaseCount )
publishMetrics("Total Rent", totalRentCount )
publishMetrics("Percentage of Rent", percentage(totalRentCount, totalCustomers) )
publishMetrics("Percentage of Purchase", percentage(totalPurchaseCount, totalCustomers) )
private def percentageCalc(num: Long, denom: Long): Double = {
val numD: Long = num
val denomD: Long = denom
return if (denomD == 0.0) 0.0
else (numD / denomD) * 100
但我不知道如何为itemTypeCounts这是一个地图。我希望根据每个键输入计数和百分比。问题是关键值是动态的,我的意思是我无法预先知道关键值。有人可以告诉我如何计算每个键值。我是scala / spark的新手,任何其他有效的方法来获得每列的计数都非常受欢迎。
customerId : 1
totalPurchase : 17
totalRent : 0
itemTypeCounts : {"TV" : 4, "Blender" : 2}
customerId : 2
totalPurchase : 1
totalRent : 1
itemTypeCounts : {"Cloths" : 4}
customerId : 3
totalPurchase : 0
totalRent : 10
itemTypeCounts : {"TV" : 4}
totalCustomer : 3
totalPurchaseCount : 2 (2 customers with totalPurchase > 0)
totalRent : 2 (2 customers with totalRent > 0)
itemTypeCounts_TV : 2
itemTypeCounts_Cloths : 1
itemTypeCounts_Blender : 1
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您可以在Spark SQL中完成此操作,下面显示两个示例(其中一个已知键并且可以在代码中枚举,一个未知键)。请注意,通过使用Spark SQL,您可以利用催化剂优化器,这将非常高效地运行:
@IBAction func buttonWasTapped(_ sender: NSButton) {
tapInt += 1
scoreDisplay.stringValue = "\(tapInt)"
defaults.setValue(tapInt, forKey: "counterKey")
imageView.image = randomDoggoImage()
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我自己就是一个火花新手,所以可能有更好的方法来做到这一点。但是您可以尝试的一件事是将itemTypeCounts转换为可以使用的scala中的数据结构。我将每一行转换为(Name, Count)
对的列表,例如List((Blender,2), (TV,4))
List((Blender,2), (TV,4)),
val itemTypeCounts = df.select("itemTypeCounts")
//Build List of List of Pairs as suggested above
val itemsList = itemTypeCounts.collect().map {
row =>
val values = row.getStruct(0).mkString("",",","").split(",")
val fields = row.schema.head.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType].map(s => s.name).toList
fields.zip(values).filter(p => p._2 != "null")
// Build a summary map for the list constructed above
def itemTypeCountsSummary(frames: List[List[(String, String)]], summary: Map[String, Int]) : Map[String, Int] = frames match {
case Nil => summary
case _ => itemTypeCountsSummary(frames.tail, merge(frames.head, summary))
//helper method for the summary map.
def merge(head: List[(String, String)], summary: Map[String, Int]): Map[String, Int] = {
val headMap = head.toMap.map(e => ("itemTypeCounts_" + e._1, 1))
val updatedSummary = summary.map{e => if(headMap.contains(e._1)) (e._1, e._2 + 1) else e}
updatedSummary ++ headMap.filter(e => !updatedSummary.contains(e._1))
val summaryMap = itemTypeCountsSummary(itemsList, Map())
summaryMap.foreach(e => println(e._1 + ": " + e._2 ))
itemTypeCounts_Blender: 1
itemTypeCounts_TV: 2
itemTypeCounts_Cloths: 1
答案 2 :(得分:0)
借用 Nick 的输入并使用 spark-sql 数据透视解决方案:
val data = List((1,17,0,Map("TV" -> 4, "Blender" -> 2)),(2,1,1,Map("Cloths" -> 4)),(3,0,10,Map("TV" -> 4)))
val df = data.toDF("customerId","totalPurchase","totalRent","itemTypeCounts")
|customerId|totalPurchase|totalRent|itemTypeCounts |
|1 |17 |0 |[TV -> 4, Blender -> 2]|
|2 |1 |1 |[Cloths -> 4] |
|3 |0 |10 |[TV -> 4] |
假设我们事先知道不同的 itemType,我们可以使用
val dfr = spark.sql("""
select * from (
select explode(itemTypeCounts) itemTypeCounts from (
select flatten(collect_list(map_keys(itemTypeCounts))) itemTypeCounts from df
) ) t
pivot ( count(itemTypeCounts) as c3
for itemTypeCounts in ('TV' ,'Blender' ,'Cloths') )
|TV |Blender|Cloths|
|2 |1 |1 |
dfr.select(dfr.columns.map( x => col(x).alias("itemTypeCounts_" + x )):_* ).show(false)
|2 |1 |1 |
动态获取不同的 itemType 并将其传递给pivot
val item_count_arr = spark.sql(""" select array_distinct(flatten(collect_list(map_keys(itemTypeCounts)))) itemTypeCounts from df """).as[Array[String]].first
item_count_arr: Array[String] = Array(TV, Blender, Cloths)
select * from (
select explode(itemTypeCounts) itemTypeCounts from (
select flatten(collect_list(map_keys(itemTypeCounts))) itemTypeCounts from df
) ) t
pivot ( count(itemTypeCounts) as c3
for itemTypeCounts in (${item_count_arr.map(c => "'"+c+"'").mkString(",")}) )
|TV |Blender|Cloths|
|2 |1 |1 |