有没有人知道如何计算连续的逐步差异 多个numpy数组。更确切地说,我想总结一下差异 1,2和3然后总结差异2,3和4等。最后, 最高差值和应存储在diff_sum中。下面你找到我的测试 数据和我的代码。我希望你明白我想做什么,否则请联系我,我试着以更好的方式解释我的问题。
#import modules
import numpy as np
#define the test data
#initialise numpy test arrays
sh_20121001 = np.array([0.0]) #day 1
sh_20121002 = np.array([0.2]) #day 2
sh_20121003 = np.array([0.4]) #day 3
sh_20121004 = np.array([0.6]) #day 4
sh_20121005 = np.array([0.2]) #day 5
sh_20121006 = np.array([0.0]) #day 6
sh_20121007 = np.array([0.0]) #day 7
#initialise a list
filelist = [], [], [], [], [], [], []
#append the numpy array into a filelist
#intitialse an array to store the value from the day before
value_day_before = np.zeros([1,])
#initialise an arrays for diff 1
diff1 = np.zeros([1,])
#initialise an array for diff 2
diff2 = np.zeros([1,])
#initilise an array fore diff 3
diff3 = np.zeros([1,])
#initialise an array to store consecutive sum of three differences
diff_sum = np.zeros([1,])
#define counter
counter = 0
#start while loop
for i in range(7):
#read values from filelist
value = filelist[i][0]
if counter == 0:
#calc difference 1
diff1[0] = value[0] - value_day_before[0]
if counter == 1:
#calc difference 2
diff2[0] = value[0] - value_day_before[0]
if counter == 2:
#calc difference 3
diff3[0] = value[0] - value_day_before[0]
#sum the first three differences
diff_sum = diff1 + diff2 + diff3
#store the current value
value_day_before = value
#raise counter
counter += 1
#my result should be the maximum sum of all consecutive calculated differences sums and thus
#my result should be:
#array([ 0.6])