$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -t gcr.io//hello-dotnet:v1
vinay@dotnet-project-146402:~/HelloWorld$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -t gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet:v1
Unable to find image 'gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet:v1' locally
Pulling repository gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet
Error: Status 403 trying to pull repository dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet: "Unable to access the repository: dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet; please verify that it exists and you have permission to access it (no valid credential w
as supplied)."
vinay@dotnet-project-146402:~/HelloWorld$ docker pull gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet:v1
Pulling repository gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet
Error: Status 403 trying to pull repository dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet: "Unable to access the repository: dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet; please verify that it exists and you have permission to access it (no valid credential w
as supplied)."
WARNING: login credentials saved in /home/vinay/.docker/config.json
Login Succeeded
vinay@dotnet-project-146402:~/HelloWorld$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -t gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet:v1
Unable to find image 'gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet:v1' locally
Pulling repository gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet
Error: Status 403 trying to pull repository dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet: "Unable to access the repository: dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet; please verify that it exists and you have permission to access it."
vinay@dotnet-project-146402:~/HelloWorld$ docker pull gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet:v1
Pulling repository gcr.io/dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet
Error: Status 403 trying to pull repository dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet: "Unable to access the repository: dotnet-project-146402/hello-dotnet; please verify that it exists and you have permission to access it."
docker login命令是
docker login -e vinay@vinayjoseph.com -u oauth2accesstoken -p "$(gcloud auth print-access-token)" https://gcr.io