
时间:2016-10-11 23:12:58

标签: javascript arrays sorting merge




使用在类中开发的合并程序(参见附件)作为基础,创建一个将0(零)合并到n个数组的版本。   提示:   在合并之前对数组进行排序   使用shift方法删除数组中的第一项(arrayName.shift())   创建一个数组数组---> var x = []; var y = []; var z = [x,y];



"use strict";   // reduces chance for error

    there are 2 arrays here and this program will merge them.
    Your job is to merge zero or more arrays. Test cases include:
    1. arrays with no elements: x = [], y = [], z = [], ...
    2. 2 arrays - one with elements and one without: x = [], y = [200, 39,1]
    3. 4 arrays: x = [5, 1, 0], y = [], z = [78, 3], w = [4, 34]
var x = [ 12, 5, 1], y = [ 13, 2, 3], z = [];   // x and y are input and, after processing, z has the merged arrays
var ix = 0, iy = 0, iz = 0;         // indexes to the next element

// The following sorts the arrays in ascending sequence
x.sort(function(a, b){return a - b});
y.sort(function(a, b){return a - b});

while (ix < x.length || iy < y.length){     // while arrays x or y have elements

if (ix < x.length && iy < y.length){    // if both have elements, choose the lowest element

    if (x[ix] <= y[iy]){                // is the current element in array x less than the current element in y?
        z[iz] = x[ix];                  // choose x
        iz++;                           // point to the next space in z
        ix++;                           // ditto x
    } else{                             // choose y
        z[iz] = y[iy];                  
        iz++;                           // next
        iy++;                           // next

} else if (ix < x.length){              // if only one has elements is it x?
    for (ix; ix < x.length; ix++){      // if so, move the rest of x to z
        z[iz] = x[ix];                  // copy current element in x
        iz++;                           // next z ... no need to increment x because the for loop does it

} else if (iy < y.length){              // if only y has elements
    for (iy; iy < y.length; iy++){      // move the rest of y to z
        z[iz] = y[iy];                  // copy
        iz++;                           // increment z's pointer

// display the resulting merged elements in the web page
var result = "<ul>";
for (var i in z){
    result += "<li>" + z[i] + "</li>"
result += "</ul>"

Things to think about:
. This code is hard wired to merge only 2 arrays
. You will need to create an array containing all arrays to be merged. e.g. q = [x, y, z, w, and more]
. Your loop will need to find the smallest element in any of the arrays in q and move it to z (the resultant array)
. There is a method shift() to strip the first element from an array (e.g. x.shift(); removes the first element in array x)
. This is like making a pile of cafeteria trays from a variable numbers of tray stacks.
. Remember to sort all arrays first


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


var x = [5, 1, 0], y = [2, 5, 0], z = [78, 3, 1], w = [4, 34];

function sortNumber(a,b) {
    return a - b;
function uniq(a) {
   return Array.from(new Set(a));

var d = uniq(x.concat(y,z,w).sort(sortNumber));
/* [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, 78] */

答案 1 :(得分:0)

尽管cpugourou的答案有效,但它似乎与陈述的HW分配不匹配。至于HW分配,我不清楚的一个问题是如何创建一个通用的数组数组(比如for(i = 0; i&lt; n; i ++)aa [i] = new Array(...)),这似乎与HW问题声明冲突,即数组是硬编码测试用例。

