
时间:2016-10-05 20:53:17

标签: c memory-management

我使用动态分配的数组编写了一个C程序来合并排序(递归)整数。它可以在高达100k的整数下正常工作,但是当我输入100万个整数时,它会抛出Segmentation fault (core dumped)错误。




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#define BIL 1E9

//struct Sort allows dynamic allocation of the array used in insertion sort.
typedef struct {
    int *arr; //pointer to the dynamic array
    size_t used; //stores number of 'used' elements in the array
    size_t size; //stores number of total elements
} Sort;

//function prototypes to interact with the dynamic array
void freeSort(Sort *);
void initSort(Sort *, size_t);
void inSort(Sort *, int);

//prototypes for the Merge Sort
void mergeSort(Sort *, int, int, int []);
void merge(Sort *, int, int, int, int []);
void copyArray(int [], int, int, Sort *);

int main(){

    //declare Sort variable 'magic' to perform the magical insertion sort on the dynamic array.
    Sort magic;
    initSort(&magic, 10); //initialize magic with 10 elements

    //variables to allow the program to function
    int intin;
    char filename[15];

    //tosort is the file to sort.
    //sorted is the output file after sort.
    FILE *tosort, *sorted;

    //necessary variables to measure time
    struct timespec start, finish;

    //prompt user for file name.
    printf("Enter the name of file with a list of integers to sort: ");
    scanf("%s", filename);
    tosort = fopen(filename, "r"); //read 'tosort' file

    //write the 'sorted' file to 'filename.sorted'
    sorted = fopen(strcat(filename, ".sorted"), "w");

    //while loop stores every integer in the dynamically allocated magic array from tosort file.
    while (!feof(tosort)) {
        fscanf(tosort, "%d", &intin);
        inSort(&magic, intin);

    //n stores number of integers to sort
    int n = magic.used;
    //temporary array for use with the merge sort
    int sortedArray [n];

    //measure time
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start);  //start

    //Merge Sort
    mergeSort(&magic, 0, n, sortedArray);

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &finish); //finish

    //calculate the elapsed time in nanoseconds.
    double elapsed = (finish.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+(finish.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec)/BIL;

    printf("Merge Sort took %lf seconds\n", elapsed);

    //write the sorted array to 'sorted' ('filename'.sorted)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        fprintf(sorted, "%d\n", magic.arr[i]);

    //free up the allocated memory for the Sort array and close the files.

    return 0;

//initialize the dynamic array
void initSort(Sort *dynA, size_t initSize) {
    dynA->arr = (int *)malloc(initSize * sizeof(int));
    dynA->used = 0;
    dynA->size = initSize;

//add values to the elements of the dynamic array
void inSort(Sort *dynA, int val) {
    //if the array size is not big enough to fit new values, allocate 100 more elements.
    if (dynA->used == dynA->size) {
        dynA->size += 100;
        dynA->arr = (int *)realloc(dynA->arr, dynA->size * sizeof(int));
    //'used' holds the number of used elements with values in the array.
    dynA->arr[dynA->used++] = val;

//free allocated memory for the dynamic array
void freeSort(Sort *dynA) {
  dynA->arr = NULL;
  dynA->used = dynA->size = 0;

//split the array until size is 1
void mergeSort(Sort *dynA, int begin, int end, int tempA [])
    //if size is 1, done splitting.
    if(end-begin < 2)

    // recursively split the array
    int mid = (end+begin)/2; // mid = middle point
    mergeSort(dynA, begin, mid, tempA); // mergeSort left half
    mergeSort(dynA, mid, end, tempA); // mergeSort right half
    merge(dynA, begin, mid, end, tempA); // merge the two halves
    copyArray(tempA, begin, end, dynA); // copy the merged array to dynA

//merge the two arrays
void merge (Sort *dynA, int begin, int mid, int end, int tempA [])
    int i = begin; int j = mid;

    //from begin to end, compare the values of the two arrays
    for (int k = begin; k < end; k++)

        // store the smaller value into tempA[k]
        if (j >= end || (i < mid && dynA->arr[i] <= dynA->arr[j]))
            tempA[k] = dynA->arr[i++];
        else tempA[k] = dynA->arr[j++];

//copy the contents of the temporary array to the dynamic array
void copyArray(int tempA[], int begin, int end, Sort *dynA){
    for(int k = begin; k < end; k++)
        dynA->arr[k] = tempA[k];


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您的错误是您正在使用基于大型堆栈的VLA sortedArray。使用1,000,000个值,您的阵列为4MB,并且由于堆栈溢出而导致段错误,因为阵列超出了预设的堆栈大小限制。

例如,在linux下,堆栈限制大约为8MB [在我的系统上,我不得不将阵列数增加到3,000,000以重现段错误]


    //temporary array for use with the merge sort
    int sortedArray [n];


    //temporary array for use with the merge sort
    int *sortedArray = malloc(sizeof(int) * n);


此外,您可以使用limit shell命令查看stacksize参数的设置。因此,解决问题的另一种方法是使用该命令来增加限制。但是,我建议,因为它不是简单地使用malloc而是一个不那么通用且更脆弱的解决方案。



使用调试信息编译程序:gcc -o blah -g blah.c

使用gdb ./blah





Starting program: ...
Enter the name of file with a list of integers to sort: input2

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000004009d1 in main () at blah.c:64
64      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start);  //start


    int sortedArray [n];

答案 1 :(得分:0)


通过递归调用一百万个值的mergesort,您不仅可以在堆上分配大约4MB,还可以在堆栈上分配sizeof(ALL_THE_STUFF_MERGE_SORT_NEEDS) * 1000000个字节。这几乎肯定会产生堆栈溢出。

尝试解开mergesort中的递归以改为使用循环。这样,您不必每次递归调用都“保存”函数的状态,并且可以重新使用相同的变量。 (您可以谷歌搜索在线展开的mergesort,看看它是如何工作的)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


  • 你使用mergesort的哪个实现?
  • 你可以发布代码吗?
  • 是为堆栈上的临时工作数组还是从堆分配内存?
  • 如果此临时数组在堆栈上分配 (自动存储),则很可能是您的问题的原因,因为在当前系统上,堆栈空间通常默认限制为几兆字节。

编辑:临时数组确实已在main()函数int sortedArray[n];中的自动存储(堆栈)中分配。使用malloc()分配此问题应解决此问题,但您还有其他问题,例如while (!feof(tosort)),这些问题总是错误的,如下所述:Why is “while ( !feof (file) )” always wrong?