
时间:2016-10-05 12:57:39

标签: php json xml amazon-web-services

您好我是一名初学程序员,希望将我的XML输出转换为JSON格式,并最终对html进行Ajax调用。 XML输出由Example.php生成,引用了amazon_api_class.php和shown here。我在网站上找到的答案似乎适用于输入和输出xml文件,而在我的场景中我只有输出xml文件。

Here is my XML output(输出太长,不适合这个身体)



    $obj = new AmazonProductAPI();

    // original 
        $result = $obj->getItemByKeyword("X-Men Origins",

    catch(Exception $e)
        echo $e->getMessage();

  //print_r returns $result in XML format 

    //$json = json_encode($result);
    //$array = json_decode($json, true);

    //echo $array['Items']['Item']['ASIN'];

    echo "Sales Rank : {$result->Items->Item->SalesRank}<br>";
    echo "ASIN : {$result->Items->Item->ASIN}<br>";
    echo "<br><img src=\"" . $result->Items->Item->MediumImage->URL . "\" /><br>";

amazon_api_class.php (引用Example.php)


    require_once 'aws_signed_request.php';

    class AmazonProductAPI
         * Your Amazon Access Key Id
         * @access private
         * @var string
        private $public_key     = "AKIAJETPMOLIUXXXXXXX";

         * Your Amazon Secret Access Key
         * @access private
         * @var string
        private $private_key    = "eHpNEaUwsf+HXXXXXXXXXXQGg7Ic2w+K5Gb6rYa";

         * Your Amazon Associate Tag
         * Now required, effective from 25th Oct. 2011
         * @access private
         * @var string
        private $associate_tag  = "mpXXXX-20";

         * Constants for product types
         * @access public
         * @var string

            Only three categories are listed here. 
            More categories can be found here:
        const MUSIC = "Music";
        const DVD   = "DVD";
        const GAMES = "VideoGames";

         * Check if the xml received from Amazon is valid
         * @param mixed $response xml response to check
         * @return bool false if the xml is invalid
         * @return mixed the xml response if it is valid
         * @return exception if we could not connect to Amazon
        private function verifyXmlResponse($response)
            if ($response === False)
                throw new Exception("Could not connect to Amazon");
                if (isset($response->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title))
                    return ($response);
                    throw new Exception("Invalid xml response.");

         * Query Amazon with the issued parameters
         * @param array $parameters parameters to query around
         * @return simpleXmlObject xml query response
        private function queryAmazon($parameters)
            return aws_signed_request("com", $parameters, $this->public_key, $this->private_key, $this->associate_tag);

         * Return details of products searched by various types
         * @param string $search search term
         * @param string $category search category         
         * @param string $searchType type of search
         * @return mixed simpleXML object
        public function searchProducts($search, $category, $searchType = "UPC")
            $allowedTypes = array("UPC", "TITLE", "ARTIST", "KEYWORD");
            $allowedCategories = array("Music", "DVD", "VideoGames");

                case "UPC" :    $parameters = array("Operation"     => "ItemLookup",
                                                    "ItemId"        => $search,
                                                    "SearchIndex"   => $category,
                                                    "IdType"        => "UPC",
                                                    "ResponseGroup" => "Medium");

                case "TITLE" :  $parameters = array("Operation"     => "ItemSearch",
                                                    "Title"         => $search,
                                                    "SearchIndex"   => $category,
                                                    "ResponseGroup" => "Medium");


            $xml_response = $this->queryAmazon($parameters);

            return $this->verifyXmlResponse($xml_response);


         * Return details of a product searched by UPC
         * @param int $upc_code UPC code of the product to search
         * @param string $product_type type of the product
         * @return mixed simpleXML object
        public function getItemByUpc($upc_code, $product_type)
            $parameters = array("Operation"     => "ItemLookup",
                                "ItemId"        => $upc_code,
                                "SearchIndex"   => $product_type,
                                "IdType"        => "UPC",
                                "ResponseGroup" => "Medium");

            $xml_response = $this->queryAmazon($parameters);

            return $this->verifyXmlResponse($xml_response);


         * Return details of a product searched by ASIN
         * @param int $asin_code ASIN code of the product to search
         * @return mixed simpleXML object
        public function getItemByAsin($asin_code)
            $parameters = array("Operation"     => "ItemLookup",
                                "ItemId"        => $asin_code,
                                "ResponseGroup" => "Medium");

            $xml_response = $this->queryAmazon($parameters);

            return $this->verifyXmlResponse($xml_response);

         * Return details of a product searched by keyword
         * @param string $keyword keyword to search
         * @param string $product_type type of the product
         * @return mixed simpleXML object
        public function getItemByKeyword($keyword, $product_type)
            $parameters = array("Operation"   => "ItemSearch",
                                "Keywords"    => $keyword,
                                "SearchIndex" => $product_type);

            $xml_response = $this->queryAmazon($parameters);

            return $this->verifyXmlResponse($xml_response);



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